Vindhyachal is place in the Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh in India. It is one of the lesser-known places in India but is very popular in UP and Bihar. The presiding deity of Vindhyavasini who according to Markandeya Purana had incarnated to kill the demon Mahishasur and thus Goddess also got the name of Mahishasurmardini. A detailed description has been given in ‘Durga Saptashati’ Chapter of Markandeya Purana. Vindhyachal is situated on the banks of river Ganges.
People do the Mundan sanskar of their Kids, Mundan is the shaving off the hair ceremony of the kid, when the child’s birth hair is first removed. The place is considered highly auspicious and people come here from very far places too, from nearby states as well. Also they do Janeu( Uapnayan) sanskar here.
Normally in the villages, all these functions are done with full galore and it could become a very costly event as people may invite the entire village to feast. Here the cost is reduced that’s why also helps the poor people to perform.
This is also a very good place for tantra sadhana. A lot Tantriks perform their sadhana on the banks of Ganges.
KaliKhoh and Ashtabhuja are auspicious places in nearby vicinity. This completes the triangle of Shakti as three forms are manifestations of Shakti . This is supposed to be a huge Shakti Trikona area situated between these three main temples of Vindhyachal, Kaalikhoh and Ashtabhuja. This makes the entire region very highly powerful for Shakti sadhana.
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