Shri ChandraShekhar Azad was esteemed freedom fighter in during the British Raaj in India. He was pivotal in leading armed struggle against tyrannical British regime in India. He was the founder for Hindustan Socialist Republican army. Great Bhagat Singh was very dear to him. Chandrashekhar Azad’s role was played by Amir Khan in movie ‘Rang De Basanti’.
Ordeal of ChandraShekhar Azad’ Mother’s after his martyrdom
Once in forest, a Bhil tribe man derided an old Lady: “O old woman, you should not come here, your son was a thief or Bandit, that’s why the Britishers killed him.”
The Bhil said this in partly derisive and partly out of concern for himself. He certainly didn’t want to be associated with the mother of an enemy of Britishers.
The old woman was wrapped in a dirt was collecting wood in the forest . This was her only means of livelihood after her son was gone.
“No Britishers could not kill him. Chandu has sacrificed himself for freedom.” the elderly woman said proudly.
The name of that old woman was Jagarani Devi. She gave birth to five sons. Her youngest son was martyred a few days ago only.
She used to affectionately call him Chandu, and the world knew him as famous revolutionary “Chandarshekhar Azad”.
Long after Azad’s martyrdom. India become free,One day friend of Azad, Sadashiva Rao, came to his village in search for Azad’s parents. Though contry was freed but a lot was lost. After a few years of the martyrdom of Chandrashekhar Azad, his father had also died. His brothers had also died before this.
After the death of his father in extreme poverty, the poor old Mother of Azad, used to go to the forest to collect wood and dung from the forest and used to sell Kande as only means of livelihood keep herself alive somehow. She was weak and old but did not beg from anybody. But due to old age, she could not do so much of work to arrange for her regular meals..
Sometimes the tide used to buy a millet and grind and drink it because she didntt have the physical strength to earn enough money to buy Pulse, Rice or Wheat and cooking fuel. The shameful situation continued even after 2 years (till 1949) after getting freedom.
Sadashiv ji pleaded Jagrani Devi to come along with him to Jhansi, by telling her a promise given to Chandrashekhar Aazad. However his own financial conditiona was bad and hsi hous ewas too small. He arranged her to live at the house of one of his friends Bhagawan Das Mahur’s house. Sadashiv ji kept on serving her and took care of her till her last last moment.
In March 1951, when the mother of Azad, Jagrani devi died in Jhansi. Sadashiv ji gave her respect to Jagarani Devi in the same way as her mother and even cremated her as a son does.
After the death of the mother of Azad, the public of Jhansi created the memorial at a public place in her name. Then the Government of the state (Then it was ruled by Congress and the chief minister was Govind Vallabh Pant) declared this construction illegal and asked for removal of the structure.
But the citizens of Jhansi decided to establish the statue of the Mother of Chandrashekhar Azad, and did not give importance to the governmentorders.
The work of making statue was given to the former colleague of Chandrashekhar Azad, skilled craftsman Rudra Narayan Singh ji. He made the statue of the face of the mother of Azad from her photo.
Government came to know that the statue of the mother of Azad has been built and is people are planning going to establish the statue with the help of revolutionary Sadashiv Rao, Roopnarayan, Bhagwan das Mahur, they declared this as danger for law and order and general public. Government imposed curfew to stop this installation of statue.
For Government just a mere installation of the mother of Great Martyr Revolutionary Chandra Shekhar Azad was a matter of great danger for society, Such an irony. The Police was deployed on every corner of Jhansi city Chandrasekhar Azad’s Mother’statue could not be installed.
Still people came in large numbers inst all the statue. The government was so frustrated that they ordered police to shoot the Sadashiv on the streets of Jhansi.
But Sdashiv ji kept the statue of Mother on his head and kept on moving without fearing bullets. Public surrounded him from all sides to protect him.
Then Police did a Lathi charge on the procession. Hundreds were wounded, dozens were crippled for life and few were killed too in this event. (Athough death has not been confirmed officially)
The Statue of Mother of Chandrashekhar Azad could not be established.
Azad, which how can we give you tribute?
We can’t even give 5 Feet of land in that country for your 2-3 Feet Statue of your mother.
The country which you sacrificed for your life.

श्री चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद जी से सम्बंधित लेख सारणी:
- चंद्रशेखर आजाद: शत्रु भी जिसके शौर्य की प्रशंसा करते थे
- श्री चंद्र शेखर आज़ाद – एक अद्भुत जिंदादिल व्यक्तित्व
- Warrant Poster of Chandra Shekhar Azad
अन्य स्वंत्रता संग्राम सेनानियों से सम्बंधित लेख :
- अमर क्रांतिकारी पंडित श्री राम प्रसाद बिस्मिल
- काकोरी कांड के नायक : पंडित रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल
- Udham Singh- Revolutionary who avenged Jallianwala: जलियांवाला के प्रतिशोधी ऊधमसिंह
- वीर सावरकर कौन थे?
- वीर विनायक दामोदर सावरकर
- वीर सावरकर जी का संक्षिप्त जीवन परिचय
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