Sri Sri Barfani babaji Maharaj: (Left his Mortal body on 23 December 2020 in late night ). He was said to be more than 200 Years Old.
One of the living ageless great Saint of India is Sri Sri Barfani Babaji Maharaj. Legend is that, while meditating in the Himalayas, his body was covered with snow, hence his name ‘Barfani’. Yogi Raj Barfani baba was born in the Dodi Kheda Village on the banks of the Ganges in Uttar Pradesh, in a royal family.
His father, having no issues, had married thrice. Finally he became a disciple of Sant Dhuni Waale Dada ji of Sai Kheda. The saint blessed two of his wives and told them that they should pledge the youngest of their to-be-born sons to a saintly sect. Both the wives had two sons each, of which Barfani baba was the youngest. Hence at the age of 8, his father took him to the Ashram of Dhuni Waale Dada ji and pledged him to the Saint. In those days , Saint Arjun Das Maharaj of Ayodhya was camping there. Dhuni Waale Dada ji put Barfani baba under Arjun Das Maharaj’s tutelage. Shri Barfani babaji travelled all over India with the saint. He attained knowledge of Sanskrit, Religion, Philosophy, Mathematics and Ayurveda under the tutelage of Shri Kela Brahmachari of Varanasi. Shri Barfani Babaji then left for the Himalayas to meditate.
In the Himalayas, he visited Nepal, Ranikhet, Pithorgarh, Tibet and Mansarovar temples and engaged himself in rigorous meditation attaining rare powers. He also learnt the secrets of meditation from the saint of Gyanganj, Paramhans Phuleri Baba. In 1930, the babaji relinquished his old body and attained a new one through Kayakalp Vidya. Following the Chinese invasion of 1962, Dadaji left his Himalayan abode and settled down at Amarkantak temple.
He was a very close disciple of Mahavatar Babaji and one of the greatest Kriya Yogis that the world has seen. He was also very close to Neem Karoli Baba. He is generally seen wearing Burgundy, a symbol of his long association with trans-Himalyan and Tibetan Yogis.

The duly recorded birthday is Diwali 1792, which means that he is now two hundred and twenty-one years old. The answer of the eighty-year-old and ninety-year-old disciples of Barphani Baba to queries about Baba’s actual age is invariably, “No one knows. All we can say is that we first had darshan of Baba when we were young boys. He has not changed. He looks now exactly as he did at that time”.
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