How ISKCON helped feed millions during Covid 19
Iskcon is known for its devotional services activities however a lesser known fact is about its humanatarian efforts. Iskocn provides food to hungry regardless of religion or socio economic background in their community kitchens across India.
Their community kitchens became very crucial in recent covid lock down times. Many individuals and local groups came forward and provided food to people during recent covid lock-down period . Iskcon was the strongest pillar if not backbone of these relief efforts to those migrant and labourer families who were left stuck in distant places.
Delhi CM Mr. Kejariwal was boasting of proving food to hundreds of thousands during lock down but when he was asked about the location for these kitchens providing food , he never said a thing about them publically. What he did not tell that organisation like ISKCON were greatest contributors in these relief efforts. While iskcon does not run after public praises for their good work for social causes it is imperative for us to spread the good word about the great work they have done during these covid times.
Iskcon Dwaraka Delhi has served millions of meals during recent covid pandemic lockdown. Many had supported them by contributing online. It was really helpful for those who could not go out to help other due to lockdown . I myself have contributed many times through the online donation link. It provides great satisfaction as for many of us venturing out was not possible during lockdwon period.
Wihle ISKCON Dwaraka was more visible online other branches of ISKCON were doing great job with ‘ISKCON Food for life’ program in their respective loactiosn across India and across Globe as well. You can refer this from various other sources and prese releases as well.
There is no doubt that ISKCON has emerged a leading world organization in providing food relief like social services, especially during distressed time like pandemic and natural calamities.
Though lockdown is over but still the link can be used to provide donation for food. Still many people who are hungry need relief and ISKCON constantly keeps on feed needy and poor.
You can also contribute your share towards this great social cause .
Please support ISKCON for free food Annadan to the poor during CORONA PANDEMIC. SAVE TAX under 80G. TO DONATE NOW Ph-8979165948 HARE KRISHNA.
Supporting Articles from other sources :
- Divine service: ISKCON temple in Dwarka feeds lakhs of poor
Links of ISKCON pages for Covid 19 relief from different zones:

||Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare|
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