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Spoken Sanskrit Series – Episode 7 “School”


College/University – vizvavidyālayaḥ ( विश्वविद्यालय: )
History – itihāsaḥ ( इतिहास: ) 
Mathematics – gaṇitam ( गणितम्  )
Physics – bhautikashāstram ( भौतिक शास्त्रम् )
Chemistry – rasāyanashāstram ( रसायन शास्त्रम् )
Biology – jīvashāstram ( जीव  शास्त्रम् )
Economics – arthashāstram ( अर्थ  शास्त्रम् )
Political Science – rajyashāstram ( राज्य शास्त्रम् )
Class – kakṣyā ( कक्षा )
In this year – asmin varṣē ( अस्मिन वर्षे )
Subject- Vishayah ( विषय: )
Now – idānīm ( इदानिम )

What school/college do you attend? : Tvam kasmin viṣvavidyālayē paṭhati? ( त्वम कस्मिन विश्वविद्यालये पठति  )

I attend ( ). : Aham ( ) viṣvavidyālayē paṭhāmi. ( अहम…….. विश्वविद्यालये   पठामि  )

What subjects are you taking? : kāḥ viṣayāḥ paṭhati? ( काह विषया: पठति  )

I am taking (……… ) : aham (……. ) paṭhāmi. ( अहम ……. पठामि  )


What is your favorite subject? : bhavataḥ priya viṣayaḥ kaḥ? ( भवता: प्रिय विषया क:? )

My favorite subject is ( ). : mama priya viṣayaḥ ( ) asti. ( मम् प्रिय विषय: अस्ति  )

Do you have homework today? : adya gṛhapāṭhaḥ asti vā? ( अद्य गृहपाठ: अस्ति वा ?)

Yes, I have a lot of homework today! I should be starting now. : ām, gṛhapāṭhaḥ asti. idānīm karaṇīyam. ( अम् अद्य  गृहपाठ: अस्ति | इदानिम  करणीयम् |)

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