Hanuman chalisa is written in Awadhi (a regional dialect of Hindi) language by Shri Tulasidasji and is the most favorite paean sung by devotees of Hanumanji , especially in northern and middle parts of India. Here we present Hanuman Chalisa in English Language in Latin Text with Meaning.

Hanuman Chalisa in English With Meaning
Here we have given Hanuman Chalisa in English for benefit of our English readers and also provided the verses in Latin script to help with the correct pronunciation of words. Alongwith this we have also provided the English translation of each verse. Reading Hanuman chalisa becomes a whole different experience once you understand the true meaning of the lines.
श्री गुरु चरण रज , निज मन मुकुर सुधार ।
वरणऊ रघुबर विमल जस , जो दायक फल चार।
Shri Guru charan saroj raj , nij man mukur sudhar ।
Varanau Raghubar vimal jas, jo dayak fal char।
śrī guru caraṇa raja , nija mana mukura sudhāra।
varaṇū raghubara vimala jasa , jo dāyaka phala cāra॥
Meaning: Having cleaned the mirror of my mind with the dust of the Lotus feet of Guru, I sing the praises of Raghunath (Lord Shri Rama), which bestows the four fruits of life (Dharm, Artha, Kama & Moksha).
बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके सुमिरऊ पवन कुमार ।
बल बुद्धि विद्या देहु मोहि , हरहु कलेश विकार ।
Buddhiheen tanu janike, sumiraun Pawan Kumar ।
Bal buddhi vidya dehu mohi, Harahu kalesh vikar ।
buddhihīna tanu jānike sumirū pavana kumāra।
bala buddhi vidyā dehu mohi , harahu kaleśa vikāra ॥
Meaning: Knowing that this body is devoid of any higher intelligence, O son of wind Shri Hanumanji I remember you.
Please give me strength, intelligence, knowledge, skills and take away my miseries , short comings and bad tendencies.
जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुण सागर , जय कपीश तिहुँ लोक उजागर ।1।
Jay Hanuman gyan gun sagar, Jay Kapeesh tihu lok ujagar ।1।
jaya hanumāna jñāna guṇa sāgara , jaya kapīśa tihuṁ loka ujāgara ॥1॥
Meaning: Victory to Hanumanji who ocean of knowledge, virtues, victory to Lord of monkies who is known in all three realms.
राम दूत अतुलित बल धामा , अंजनीपुत्र पवन सुत नामा ।2।
Ram doot atulit bal dhama,Anjani putra Pawan sut nama ।2।
rāma dūta atulita bala dhāmā , aṃjanīputra pavana suta nāmā ॥2॥
Meaning: He is messenger of Shri Ram, and immensely powerful, Son of Anjani (mother) and his name is Pawansut (Son of wind God)
महावीर विक्रम बजरंगी, कुमति निवार सुमति के सँगी ।3।
Mahaveer vikram Bajarani, kumati nivar sumati ke sangi ।3।
mahāvīra vikrama bajaraṃgī, kumati nivāra sumati ke saṁgī ॥3॥
Meaning: He is supremely brave, splendid with valor and his body is as strong as a Vajra, (indestructible weapon of Indra). He remover of bad thoughts and supports the right thinking.
कंचन वरण विराज सुवेसा , कानन कुंडल कुंचित केशा ।4।
Kanchan varan viraj suvesha, kanan kundal kunchit kesha ।4।
kaṃcana varaṇa virāja suvesā , kānana kuṃḍala kuṃcita keśā ॥4॥
Meaning: His body color is having golden hue and he is well adorned appearance which suits him very much, he wears earrings and has curly hair.
हाथ वज्र अरू ध्वजा विराजे, काँधे मूज जनेऊ साजे ।5।
Haath vajra aru dhwaja viraje, kandhe mooj janeu saje ।5।
hātha vajra arū dhvajā virāje, kāṁdhe mūja janeū sāje ॥5॥
Meaning: He holds the thunderbolt and flag and adorns the janeu(sacred thread) on his shoulders
शंकर सुवन केशरी नंदन, तेज प्रताप महाजग वंदन ।6।
Shankar suvan Keshri nandan, Tej pratap mahajag vandan ।6।
śaṃkara suvana keśarī naṃdana, teja pratāpa mahājaga vaṃdana ॥6॥
Meaning: He is the form of Shiva , hold great valor and is worshiped by the world because of these qualities
विद्यावान गुणी अति चातुर , राम काज करिबे को आतुर ।7।
Vidyavan Guni ati chatur, Ram kaj karibe ko aatur ।7।
vidyāvāna guṇī ati cātura , rāma kāja karibe ko ātura ॥7॥
Meaning: He is holds great knowledge, is very virtuous and very wise and always ready to his beloved Shri Ram’s work
प्रभु चरित्र सुनिबे को रसिया , राम लखन सीता मन बसिया ।8।
Prabhu Chritra sunibe ko rasiya, Ram Lakhan Sita man basiya ।8।
prabhu caritra sunibe ko rasiyā , rāma lakhana sītā mana basiyā ॥8॥
Meaning: He revels in listening to the Shri ram’s story and holds Shri Ram, Mata Sita and Lakshmanji very dearly in his heart
सूक्ष्म रूप धरी सियहि दिखावा, विकट रूप धरि लंक जरावा ।9।
Sookshm roop dhari Siyahi dikhawa, Vikat roop dhari Lank jarawa ।9।
sūkṣma rūpa dharī siyahiṃ dikhāvā, vikaṭa rūpa dhari laṃka jarāvā ॥9॥
Meaning: He appeared in a very small form in front of Sitaji and then took huge form to burn Lanka into ashes
भीम रूप धरी असुर संहारे, रामचंद्र के काज सवारे ।10।
Bheem Roop dhari asur sanhare, Ramchandra ke kaaj savare ।10।
bhīma rūpa dharī asura saṃhāre, rāmacaṃdra ke kāja savāre ॥10॥
Meaning: He displayed a very powerful form and killed demons
लाय संजीवन लखन जियाए, श्री रघुबीर कंठ लगाए ।11।
Laay Sanjeevan Lakhan jeeyaye, Shri Raghuvir harash ur laaye ।11।
lāya saṃjīvana lakhana jiyāe, śrī raghubīra kaṃṭha lagāe ॥11॥
Meaning: He brought Sanjeevani herb and saved Shri Lakshmanji’s life
रघुपति कीन्हि बहुत बड़ाई , तुम मॅम प्रिय भरत सम भाई ।12।
Raghupati keenhi Bahut badai, tum mam priya Bharat sam bhai ।12।
raghupati kīnhi bahuta baḍa़āī , tuma mama priya bharata sama bhāī ॥12॥
Meaning: Shri Ramji praised him highly and said that he was as dear to him as his brother Bharat
सहस बदन तुम्हारो जस गावें , अस कह श्रिपति कंठ लगावें ।13।
Sahas badan tumharo jash gaavein, as kahi Shripati kanth Lagavein ।13।
sahasa badana tumhāro jasa gāveṃ , asa kaha śripati kaṃṭha lagāveṃ ॥13॥
Meaning: Ramji further says that his glory will be sung by Sheshnag who has thousands heads and embraced him with great joy
सनकादिक ब्र्ह्मादिक मुनीशा , नारद शारद सहित अहिशा ।14।
Sanakadik Brahmadi Munisha, Narad Sharad sahit Aheesha ।14।
sanakādika brahmādi munīśā , nārada śārada sahita ahiśā ॥14॥
Meaning: Heavenly Rishi like Snakdiks , Brahmaji , Munis, Narad , Saraswatiji ,
यम कुबेर दिग्पाल जहाँते, कवि कोबिद कही सके कहाँ ते ।15।
Yam Kuber digpal jahan te, Kavi kobid kahi sake kahan te ।15।
yama kubera digpāla jahāṁte, kavi kobida kahī sake kahāṁ te ॥15॥
Meaning: Yama(God of death),Kuber, Dikpals even cannot say enough about his glory then what about ordinary poets(how can do they justice to singing praises to him)
तुम उपकार सुग्रीवहिं कीन्हा , राम मिलाय राज पद दीन्हा ।16।
Tum upkar Sugreevahi keenha, Ram milay Raj pad deenha ।16।
tuma upakāra sugrīvahiṃ kīnhā , rāma milāya rāja pada dīnhā ॥16॥
Meaning: You did a great favor to Sugreev and made him friends with Shri Ram and thus made him King eventually.
तुम्हरो मन्त्र विभीषण माना,लंकेश्वर भाए सब जग जाना ।17।
Tumharo mantra Vibheesan mana, Lankeshwar bhaye sab jana ।17।
tumharo mantra vibhīṣaṇa mānā,laṃkeśvara bhāe saba jaga jānā ॥17॥
Meaning: Visbhishan heard your advice and became king of Lanka, whole world knows this fact
युग सहस्र योजन पर भानु, लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू ।18।
Yug sahatra yojan par Bhanu, Leelyo tahi madhur fal jaanu ।18।
yuga sahasra yojana para bhānu, līlyo tāhi madhura phala jānū ॥18॥
Meaning: Sun was far away thousand of Yojan ( a old unit of measurement) , but you ate him thinking it was sweet fruit
प्रभु मुद्रिका मेली मुख माही, जलधि लाँघी गये अचरज नाहीं ।19।
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahi, jaladhi langhi gaye acharaj naahi ।19।
prabhu mudrikā melī mukha māhī, jaladhi lāṁghī gaye acaraja nāhīṃ ॥19॥
Meaning: You held Shri Ram’s ring in your mouth and jumped over the sea
दुर्गम काज जगत के जेते , सुगम अनुग्रह तुम्हरे तेते ।20।
Durgam kaaj jagat ke jete, sugam anugrah tumhare tete ।20।
durgama kāja jagata ke jete , sugama anugraha tumhare tete ॥20॥
Meaning: All difficult an dangerous works in world become easy because of you, to those who are your devotees.
राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे , होत ना आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे ।21।
Ramduaare tum rakhware, hot na aagya binu paisare ।21।
rāma duāre tuma rakhavāre , hota nā ājñā binu paisāre ॥21॥
Meaning: You are the gatekeeper of Shri Ram’s heavenly realm , without your permission no one can enter there.
सब सुख लहे तुम्हारी शरणा, तुम रक्षक काहू को डर ना ।22।
Sab sukh lahai tumhari sharana, tum rakshak kahu ko dar na ।22।
saba sukha lahe tumhārī śaraṇā, tuma rakṣaka kāhū ko ḍara nā ॥22॥
Meaning: Every happiness is attained under your aegis and there is no fear if you are protecting me.
आपन तेज सम्हारो आपे , तीनो लोक हांकते कापे ।23।
Apan tej samharo aape, teeno lok hankate kaanpe ।23।
āpana teja samhāro āpe , tīno loka hāṃkate kāpe ॥23॥
Meaning: You only have the capacity to wield your unfathomable power. All three worlds tremble at your mighty roar.
भूत पिशाच निकट नही आवे,महावीर जब नाम सुनावे ।24।
Bhoot pishach nikat nahi aavai, Mahaveer jab naam sunavai ।24।
bhūta piśāca nikaṭa nahī āve, mahāvīra jaba nāma sunāve ॥24॥
Meaning: Ghosts and bad spirits cannot harm a person who takes your name of you o Mahaveer
नाशै रोग हरै सब पीरा,जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा ।25।
Nashai rog harat sab peera, japat nirantar Hanumat beera ।25।
nāśai roga harai saba pīrā, japata niraṃtara hanumata bīrā ॥25॥
Meaning: Disease and all miseries are gone if one chants your name continuously
संकट से हनुमान छुड़ावें, मन क्रम वचन ध्यान जो लावें ।26।
Sankat se Hanuman chhudavai, man kram vachan dhyan jo lavai ।26।
saṃkaṭa se hanumāna chuḍāveṃ, mana krama vacana dhyāna jo lāveṃ ॥26॥
Meaning: If the person remembers you with by heart, mind , by words and deeds, he is freed from all dangers.
सब पर राम तपस्वी राजा, तिनके काज सकल तुम साजा ।27।
Sab par Ram tapasvi Raja, Tinake kaaj sakal tum saaja ।27।
saba para rāma tapasvī rājā, tinake kāja sakala tuma sājā ॥27॥
Meaning: Shri Ramji is a great Tapasvi (did penance like Rishis) King and thus and ideal for everyone, and you accomplish all his tasks
और मनोरथ जो कोई लावें , सोई अमित जीवन फल पावें ।28।
Aur manorath jo koi lave, tasu amit jeevanfal paavai ।28।
aura manoratha jo koī lāveṃ , soī amita jīvana phala pāveṃ ॥28॥
Meaning: If anyone comes to you with any other desire, he will attain the imperishable fruit of life.
चारो युग परताप तुम्हारा, है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा ।29।
Charo yug pratap tumhara, hai prasiddh jagat ujiyara ।29।
cāro yuga paratāpa tumhārā, hai parasiddha jagata ujiyārā ॥29॥
Meaning: Your valour is known in all four ages (Satyug, Treta, Dwapar, Kaliyug) in entire world.
साधु संत के तुम रखवरे,असुर निकंदन राम दुलारे ।30।
Sadhu sant ke tum rakhaware, asur nikandan Ram dulare ।30।
sādhu saṃta ke tuma rakhavare, asura nikaṃdana rāma dulāre ॥30॥
Meaning: You are the protector of Saints and Sages and , destroyer of demons and very dear to Shri Ram
अष्ट सिद्धि नव निधि के दाता , अस वर दीन्ह जानकी माता ।31।
Asht siddhi nav nidhi ke data, as var deenh Janaki mata ।31।
aṣṭa siddhi nava nidhi ke dātā , asa vara dīnha jānakī mātā ॥31॥
Meaning: You can grant eight Siddhis and nine kind of wealth as per the boon granted by Mata Sita.
राम रसायन तुम्हारे पासा सदा रहो रघुपति के दासा ।32।
Ram rasayan tumharo pasa, sada raho Raghupati ke daasa ।32।
rāma rasāyana tumhāre pāsā sadā raho raghupati ke dāsā ॥32॥
Meaning: You have Shri Ram’s name with you and may you be always the true follower and servant of Shri Rama.
तुम्हरो भजन राम को भावे जन्म जन्म के दुख़ बिसरावे ।33।
Tumhare bhajan Raam ko bhave, janm-janm ke dukh bisrave ।33।
tumharo bhajana rāma ko bhāve janma janma ke dukha bisarāve ॥33॥
Meaning: Your songs of glory are very dear to Shri Ram and this takes away the agonies of many previous lives of the one who sings your glory songs
अंतकाल रघुबर पूर जाई , जहाँ जन्म हरिभक्त कहाई ।34।
Antkal Raghupatipur jaai, jaha janm Hari bhakt kahai ।34।
aṃtakāla raghubara pūra jāī , jahāṁ janma haribhakta kahāī ॥34॥
Meaning: When our lives end , may we go to the place of Shri Ram, where when we dies we are freed from cycle of death , attain Moksha and one who is born there , we are destined to be Shri Hari devotee.
और देवता चित्त ना धरई हनुमत सेई सर्व सुख करई ।35।
Aur devata chit naa dharai, hanumat sei sarv sukh karai ।35।
aura devatā citta nā dharī hanumata seī sarva sukha karī ॥35॥
Meaning: You don’t need to remember other Gods when you are devotee of Shri Hanuman as he alone can fulfill all your desires.
संकट कटै मिटै सब पीरा , जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा ।36।
Sankat haraei mitaei sab peera, Jo sumire Hanumat balbira ।36।
saṃkaṭa kaṭai miṭai saba pīrā , japata niraṃtara hanumata bīrā ॥36॥
Meaning: One who remembers Hanumanji his all troubles are erased and all pains are diminished .
जय जय जय हनुमान गुसाईं , कृपा करहुं गुरुदेव की नाईं ।37।
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gusain , Kripa karahu Gurudev ki naien ।37।
jaya jaya jaya hanumāna gusāīṃ , kṛpā karahuṃ gurudeva kī nāīṃ ॥37॥
Meaning: Victory to Hanuman ji who is protector of week, Please shower your blessings on me like a Guru.
जो यह शत बार पाठ कर जोई, छुटहि बंदी महासुख होई ।38।
Ye shat bar path kar joi, chhutahi bandi mahasukh hoi ।38।
jo yaha śata bāra pāṭha kara joī, chuṭahi baṃdī mahāsukha hoī ॥38॥
Meaning: One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa a hundred times , is freed from prison and becomes happy
जो यह पढ़े हनुमान चालीसा , होय सिद्ध साखी गौरीशा ।39।
Jo ye padhai Hanuman Chalisa, hoy siddhi saakhi Gaureesha ।39।
jo yaha paḍhae hanumāna cālīsā , hoya siddha sākhī gaurīśā ॥39॥
Meaning: One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa regularly , becomes a Siddha eventually. Shivaji (Husband of Gauri) is a witness to this.
तुलसीदास सदा हरि चेरा, कीजे नाथ हृदय मह डेरा ।40।
Tulasidas sada Hari chera, keeje naath hriday mah dera ।40।
tulasīdāsa sadā hari cerā, kīje nātha hṛdaya maha ḍerā ॥40॥
Meaning: Tulasidas says that of servant of Shri Hari (Ramji is considered an avatar of Shri Hari) , always reside in my heart.
पवन तनय संकट हरण , मंगल मुरति रूप ॥
राम लखन सीता सहित हृदय बसहू सुर भूप ।
Pawan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangamurati roop।
Ram Lakhan Sita sahit hriday basahu sur bhoop।
pavana tanaya saṃkaṭa haraṇa , maṃgala murati rūpa ।
rāma lakhana sītā sahita hṛdaya basahuṁ sura bhūpa ॥
Meaning: Son of wind , removers of tough times, and epitome and idol of good omens. Alongwith Shri Rama , Mata Sita, & Shri Lakshmana , please reside in my heart, O king of earth Shri Hanuman.
Bol Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jay!
Pawansut Hanuman ki Jay!

Before chanting Hanuman Chalisa devotee should worship Hanuman ji first. Here we have given below the short and simple puja procedure of Hanuman ji.
Shri Hanuman Puja Vidhi
After taking bath in the morning, arrange some flower naivedya for Hanuman ji. Red flowers will be the best, in their absence take any other fresh flowers. Arrange Motichoor or Besan (gram flour) laddu in Naivedya. If this is not possible, arrange for fresh fruits, sweets or dry fruits (cashew nuts, raisins, almonds, walnuts etc.). If even this is not possible then make arrangements to offer jaggery and gram.
First, invite Hanuman ji by reciting his meditation mantra –
Shri Hanuman Dhyan Mantra
अतुलितबलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहं
दनुजवनकृशानुं ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम्।
सकलगुणनिधानं वानराणामधीशं
रघुपतिप्रियभक्तं वातजातं नमामि॥
nānyā spṛhā raghupate hṛdaye’smadīye
satyaṃ vadāmi ca bhavānakhilāntarātmā।
bhaktiṃ prayaccha raghupuṃgava nirbharāṃ me
kāmādidoṣarahitaṃ kuru mānasaṃ ca॥
Meaning: – Abode of tremendous power, with a body as dazzling as a mountain of gold (Sumeru), with the form of fire to demolish the demon-like forest, foremost among the wise, the embodiment of all virtues, ruler of the monkeys, Shri Raghunathji’s favorite. I salute Pawanputra (Son of Wind God) Shri Hanumanji, the devotee.
Install a Hanuman ji idol or photograph in the site of worship. Spread a crimson cloth beside Lord Hanuman’s idol or portrait to make a seat for him.
Offer a flower and Akshat (Unbroken Rice) to Hanuman ji on the red seat and give him a seat. Offer fresh flowers to Hanuman ji’s idol or portrait (photo). Offer incense and a light of pure desi ghee. Then, add Tulsi leaves to Naivedya and offer it to him.
Then recite ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ or chant the mantra ‘Om Han Hanumate Rudrathakaya Hum Phat’ for at least 1 rosary (1 Rosary= 108 times).
Hanuman Chalisa in English
Shri Guru charan saroj raj , nij man mukur sudhar ।
Varanau Raghubar vimal jas, jo dayak fal char।
Buddhiheen tanu janike, sumiraun Pawan Kumar ।
Bal buddhi vidya dehu mohi, Harahu kalesh vikar ।
Jay Hanuman gyan gun sagar, Jay Kapeesh tihu lok ujagar ।1।
Ram doot atulit bal dhama,Anjani putra Pawan sut nama ।2।
Mahaveer vikram Bajarani, kumati nivar sumati ke sangi ।3।
Kanchan varan viraj suvesha, kanan kundal kunchit kesha ।4।
Haath vajra aru dhwaja viraje, kandhe mooj janeu saje ।5।
Shankar suvan Keshri nandan, Tej pratap mahajag vandan ।6।
Vidyavan Guni ati chatur, Ram kaj karibe ko aatur ।7।
Prabhu Chritra sunibe ko rasiya, Ram Lakhan Sita man basiya ।8।
Sookshm roop dhari Siyahi dikhawa, Vikat roop dhari Lank jarawa ।9।
Bheem Roop dhari asur sanhare, Ramchandra ke kaaj savare ।10।
Laay Sanjeevan Lakhan jeeyaye, Shri Raghuvir harash ur laaye ।11।
Raghupati keenhi Bahut badai, tum mam priya Bharat sam bhai ।12।
Sahas badan tumharo jash gaavein, as kahi Shripati kanth Lagavein ।13।
Sanakadik Brahmadi Munisha, Narad Sharad sahit Aheesha ।14।
Yam Kuber digpal jahan te, Kavi kobid kahi sake kahan te ।15।
Tum upkar Sugreevahi keenha, Ram milay Raj pad deenha ।16।
Tumharo mantra Vibheesan mana, Lankeshwar bhaye sab jana ।17।
Yug sahatra yojan par Bhanu, Leelyo tahi madhur fal jaanu ।18।
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahi, jaladhi langhi gaye acharaj naahi ।19।
Durgam kaaj jagat ke jete, sugam anugrah tumhare tete ।20।
Ramduaare tum rakhware, hot na aagya binu paisare ।21।
Sab sukh lahai tumhari sharana, tum rakshak kahu ko dar na ।22।
Apan tej samharo aape, teeno lok hankate kaanpe ।23।
Bhoot pishach nikat nahi aavai, Mahaveer jab naam sunavai ।24।
Nashai rog harat sab peera, japat nirantar Hanumat beera ।25।
Sankat se Hanuman chhudavai, man kram vachan dhyan jo lavai ।26।
Sab par Ram tapasvi Raja, Tinake kaaj sakal tum saaja ।27।
Aur manorath jo koi lave, tasu amit jeevanfal paavai ।28।
Charo yug pratap tumhara, hai prasiddh jagat ujiyara ।29।
Sadhu sant ke tum rakhaware, asur nikandan Ram dulare ।30।
Asht siddhi nav nidhi ke data, as var deenh Janaki mata ।31।
Ram rasayan tumharo pasa, sada raho Raghupati ke daasa ।32।
Tumhare bhajan Raam ko bhave, janm-janm ke dukh bisrave ।33।
Antkal Raghupatipur jaai, jaha janm Hari bhakt kahai ।34।
Aur devata chit naa dharai, hanumat sei sarv sukh karai ।35।
Sankat haraei mitaei sab peera, Jo sumire Hanumat balbira ।36।
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gusain , Kripa karahu Gurudev ki naien ।37।
Ye shat bar path kar joi, chhutahi bandi mahasukh hoi ।38।
Jo ye padhai Hanuman Chalisa, hoy siddhi saakhi Gaureesha ।39।
Tulasidas sada Hari chera, keeje naath hriday mah dera ।40।
Pawan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangamurati roop।
Ram Lakhan Sita sahit hriday basahu sur bhoop।
आगे पढ़ें : हनुमान चालीसा संस्कृत में
FAQ: बहुधा पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न
Q. Siyavar ramchandra ki jai Meaning: What is the meaning of ‘Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai?
A. Siya=Sita Mata, Var=Groom, Ramchandra=Lord Ram, Jai= Victory/Glory
Hence Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai means= Glory to the Prabhu Shri Ram who is the groom of Sitaji.
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