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King Vikramaditya Statue

भारत का स्वर्ण युग …

चक्रवती सम्राट महाराज विक्रमादित्य के काल में भारत का कपड़ा, गर्म मसाले , विदेशी व्यपारी सोने के वजन से खरीदते थे| भारत में इतना सोना आ गया था कि विक्रमादित्य काल में सोने की सिक्के चलते थे| …

भारत का स्वर्ण युग … Read More
Gopal Pantha

Gopal Chandra Mukhopadhyay (Gopal Patha)-Braveheart Hindu Defender of Bengal

Mulsim leaders were responsible for the Great Calcutta killing which claimed then of thousands (Various Estimates range from 40000 to 1 lac as while officially it was ridiculously shown as lowly 7500) of innocent Hindu lives. Gopal Pantha ( Popular name of Gopal Chandra Mukhopadhyay) an ordinary Hindu Butcher from Bowbazar of Calcutta turned the tables around pressed the counter onslaught of Jihadis so hard that rioting Muslims were shocked and came down on their knees begging Gopal Patha to stop the onslaught.

Gopal Chandra Mukhopadhyay (Gopal Patha)-Braveheart Hindu Defender of Bengal Read More
Kuyili Featured 5

Brave Kuyili sacrificed her life to win war against Britishers for Queen Velu Nachiyar (1780)

Kuyili- The First Female Freedom Fighter Against Britishers Nearly about a 77 years ago the first war of Independence in 1857 against the British, in the deep south the roaring lioness Velu Nachiyar of Shiv Ganga, stood …

Brave Kuyili sacrificed her life to win war against Britishers for Queen Velu Nachiyar (1780) Read More

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