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Spoken Sanskrit Series - Episode 12 Travel & Transportation Featured

Spoken Sanskrit Series – Episode 12: “Travel & Transportation”

Ben and Joseph discussing their travel plan in Sanskrit. Do watch they have done nice work on it. To walk = Chalati ( चलति ) Walking = Chalanam ( चालनम ) Bicycle = Dvichakrika ( द्विचक्रिका  …

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Spoken Sanskrit Series - Episode 11 Clothing Featured

Spoken Sanskrit Series – Episode 11: “Clothing”

Few other words and phrases have been discussed in this episode, and their definitions are provided below:  etāni kāni? = What are these/those? ( एतानि कानि  )  shītakālam = winter/cold season ( शीतकालम  ) Clothes = vastrani …

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Spoken Sanskrit Series - Episode 10 Music featured

Spoken Sanskrit Series – Episode 10: “Music”

Music: Sangitam ( संगीतम ) Musical Instrument : Vadyam ( वाद्यम  ) To Learn : Adhigacchati (अधिगच्छति) To Play and (instrument) : [Vadyam] Vadayati ([वाद्यम] वादयति) To Sing : gayati ( गायति  ) Song: gitam (गीतम) Singer: …

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Spoken Sanskrit Series - Episode 9 Waking Up in the Morning

Spoken Sanskrit Series – Episode 9: “Waking Up in the Morning”

to stand up/to get up – uttishthati ( उत्तिष्ठति ) get up – uttishthatu ( उत्तिष्ठतु ) to sit down – upavishati ( उपविशति ) to brush one’s teeth: dantadāvanam karoti ( दन्तधावनम करोति  ) water: jalam …

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