Salt Hot Water Gargle for cough & Cold-My Experience
This story starts from a day when I was a young teenager. It was chilly winter season in North India city Prayagraj. Since it is plains the weather change is very drastic and in winters it is almost teeth chattering cold. May be it was December or January and I was suffering from severe cold and was coughing constantly.
My grandfather used to visit Prayagraj at my uncle’s place in winters as he used to do ‘Kalpvas’ (a month long stay ) in Kumbh mela. One day he asked me to come and sit near him. I told him that I was having cold and was unwell. He noticed that I was drinking tea at that time; he smiled and said that add a little bit of salt in that tea.
I was amused at this suggestion and thought it would spoil the taste of tea. However I did as I was asked. Tea tasted a little weird after adding a pinch of salt but I drank it all. After this my grandfather asked, “Did it make any difference to your cold?
I noticed to my surprise that I felt a slight but instant relief after drinking that salty tea. I replied in affirmative.
Although this helped I could not drink tea all day as it was not good for health. However my cold was cured in next few days.
Time flied but this weird trick always stuck with me. After this whenever I used to have cold I used to have tea added with a pinch of salt. It never failed to give me respite from cold.
Much later I recalled that when I was kid (6th-7th grade) my mother used to give me hot salt water to gargle whenever I used to have cold and cough. Result was that I hardly missed any day of school because of cough col or fever, There were other reasons to miss school but certainly not this one.
Back in 2020 when Covid scare started, whenever I developed cold symptoms I used to do hot salt water gargles, multiple times during the day. I stayed at home in lockdown but nevertheless the practise of gargle continued.
I have noticed that among all methods to fight with cold and cough like applying vicks vaporub, Fabiflu, cough syrup, even hot water steam as well the most effective and instant relief came only by Hot salt water gargle.
Even if it is the worst scenario of cold then also it will help you at least a little. Its a natural remedy which modern doctors will never tell you. (Or how would their medicines sell)
Before Covid no doctor used to talk about home remedies used by our older generations . But when covid came modern medicine didn’t have an answer for some 8-9 months then people started looking for old Indian home remedies for cold and cough.
Amongst many advertised Ayurvedic methods and medicines. I still feel that nothing comes even close to Hot salt water gargle.
I am not saying that it will cure Covid but surely can prevent you from reaching that stage.
The salt in water is the key but the added with lukewarm temperature in water is the complete deal.
This is the direct remedy for cold, cough and sore throat. Only thing is that you need to do it more in proportion to severity of cough and cold.
There are two ways in which you can use this Hot Salt water solution.
- Gargle with Hot salt water
- Drink Hot salt water
Do it 3-4 times a day.
- The first method of using this as gargle can be done many more times.
- If you are drinking then the salt has to be slightly less as you will not be able to drink it much
Best home remedy of cough and cold for kids
For babies and Kids also this remedy can be used very effectively. If the Kids(5 years and above) can gargle give them slight lukewarm water with salt to gargle.
If baby is very small and cannot gargle then give a small spoon of salt water . The temperature of water should be barely lukewarm or if you are snot sure then give it at normal temperature without even heating it. Mothers would know the right temperature best as they often feed babies with warm milk bottle.
I have never tried this with my child because they didn’t suffer from cold as infants. But can suggest following. Use your own discretion and consult doctor if child is having any severe medical condition.
Alternatively salt can be mixed with milk bottle while giving baby milk. The salt has to be very very littlie so that the taste should be barely noticeable or baby may not drink it at all.
Many Indian mothers already use this home remedy and find it effective as this has no side effects if used in right moderation.
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