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Spoken Sanskrit Series – Episode 11: “Clothing”


Few other words and phrases have been discussed in this episode, and their definitions are provided below:

 etāni kāni? = What are these/those? ( एतानि कानि  )

 shītakālam = winter/cold season ( शीतकालम  )

Clothes = vastrani ( वस्त्राणि  )


Shirt = yutakam ( युतकम  )

Undershirt = antaryutakam ( अन्तर्युतकम  )

Pants = urukam ( उरुकम  )

Shorts = ardhorukam ( अर्धोरुकम  )

Underwear = kativastram ( कटिवस्त्रम  )

Shawl/Scarf =uttariyam ( उत्तरीयम  )

Sweater = svedakam ( स्वेदकम  )

Coat/ Jacket = pravaram ( प्रावरम  )

Button = kudmam ( कुड़मम  )

Cap = shirastram ( शिरस्त्रम  )

Skirt = samantakam ( समन्तकम  )

Shoes = Padtranam ( पादत्राणम  )

Necklace = Mala ( माला  )

Ring = urmikam ( उर्मिकम  )

Earring = karnikaram ( कर्णिकारम  )

To wear/ to put on = parigrhnati ( परिगृहणाति  )

To button one shirt = kudman yojayati ( कुड़मम  योजयति  )

Do you like it? = icchasi va? ( इच्छसि  वा? )

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