Different types of Rudrakshas, Their Benefits & Mantras
Rudraksha beads are very dear to Lord Shiva, it grants lng life and mitigates the chances of untimely death. Rudraksh grants wealth and worldly pleasure to house holders whereas it grants Dharma and Moksha to Sages and Sanyasis. It grants the progeny to childless couples. Rudraksha eradicates the diseases, give peace to the wearer and awakes the Kundalini of Yogis. Evil spirits do dare to trouble a person where the Rudraksha is placed in the house. Rudraksh is considered lucky to the wearer in all his pursuits.
What is Rudraksha:
Rudraksha tree is a medium size tree. This is chiefly found in ower parts of Himalaya, Nepal and Bhutan. The leaves of this tree are small and roughly round shaped. The seeds of this tree are called Rudraksha. This known by different name in Different parts of the country. Its i called Rudraksha in Hindi, Rudraky in Bangla, Rudraksh in Gujarati & Marathi, Akkam in Tamil, Rudrachallu in Telugu, Rudrai, Ludrak, Udrok in Assamese, In Sanskrit it is know by many names as Rudraksh, Shivaksh, Sarvaksh, Bhootanashan, Neelkanthaksh, Haraksh, Shivapriy and in English it is known as Ultrasum bead tree.
According to Ayurveda:
As per Ayurveda, Rudraksha is effective in removing the ill effects of sour, hot air. It removes the cough, reduced headache and increases appetite.
Rudraksh rosary if worn in Chechak(Sall pox), Bodari & Achabada, it removes these diseases. And if it is worn before hand then these disease will not incur at all. If Rudraksha is worn, the mental hysteria(mnasik unmad) does not happen and evil spirits also keep away. If the child had cough congestion in chest , One can rub 2-3 beads of rudraksha with Honey and give it to child. The cough congestion will be cleared and child will get relief soon.
Rudraksh is considered a boon for the patient of blood pressure. If Rudraksha rosary is worn regularly the person will get relief in blood pressure over the time. If the blood pressure is high then one should keep 2 original rudraksha beads in 2 ounce water overnight and this water should be drunk in morning on empty stomach. Blood pressure will be lowered within a week and if it is done regularly then the blood pressure will normalise permanently.
For heart related disease Rudraksha rosary is wrn in the neck. It eradicate the heart disease permanently if the disciplined eating and exercise are done regularly. This should be carried for at least 6 months.
In small pox(Chechak) if rudraksha beads are grinded with water and paste is applied on topically on the affected areas. This treatment cures smallpox as well.
Spritual Significance of Rudraksha:
Wearer of Rudraksha is considered as Lord Shiva himself. Rudraksha is very dear to Lord SHiva and sins are ameliorated just by the having a sight of Rudraksha. SUch is the eulogy of the rudraksh in our shastras. Rudraksha is very helpful for the Person who wants devotion. liberation, Moksha and the pleasures equally. If the person wear the Rudraksh, he should not be afraid of untimely death. The chanting on Rudraksha rosary gives success and siddhi in mantra sadhana. According to Shiva Purana if any person is not following dharma(righteous conduct) and is a sinner but he loves Rudraksh and wears it always then also he get rid of his sins and attains the of Lord Shiva finally.
ANy person in any place and caste or country can wear the Rudraksha but he should wear pure and original Rudraksha. If you wear the Rudraksha during daytime then the night ime sins are obliterated and if one wears it in night time then his day time sins are obliterated.
Origin of Rudraksha:
as per the Shastras Lord Shiva told Shanmukh(Lord Kartikeya) about the origin of rudraksha. He said once a demon king named Tripur became very powerful and he started disdaining Lord Brahma, Vishnu and everyone. Then the Gods requested him to kill Tripur demon.
Then Lord Shiva started meditating for one thousand years on great Mahaghor Aghor astra .When eyes were closed few drops of tears fell down on earth and rudraksha tree was born from those tear drops only.
Rules of wearing Rudraksha:
- All working class people can wear Rudrkash but the priestly class Brahmans should wear the Rudraksha with mantras only. Rest everyone can wear Rudraaksh without chanting mantra also.
- One should chant ‘Om Namah Shivay‘ and put holy ash on forehead while wearing Rudraksha.
- All the vedic religious activities like religious ablution, donation, meditation, tapas(austerity), homam, worship of Gods, repentance, Vaishavdev, Shradham(offering to departe dancestors) and eeksha are do not give desired results if the rudraksha is not worn.
- Do not wear Rudrkash in unholy and unclean condition. Wear Rudraksha with full devotion and austerity.
- Rudraksha can be knit in gold or silver thread. In the absence of gold and silver a red thread can be used as well.
- A male can wear rudraksha in Yajnopavita( Janeu), in hands, neck or even on stomach.
- Devotees of Lord Shiva should wear a bracelet of Rudraksha in their hands. The bead sin the bracelet should be odd numbers like 11, 21 tec.
- If Rudraksh is set in a golden ring and is worn on any finger of right hand then it bestows upon desired wish to the wearer.
- Person who wears rudraksha on head while taking bath attains the merits of bathing in holiest river Ganges
- Person who wears Rudraksha daily or worships on Rudraksha daily he is rich like a King.
- If one wears a Rudraksha his desired work is accomplished within 40 days but the a firm faith in the powers of Lord Shiv and Rudraksh is must in this case.
- If one sits on deer skin asana (Mrig charm asana) and chants any mantra facing in East direction then great success is attained.
- Seeing a Rudraksha gives punya, while touching it give crore time punya, wearing it gives 100 crore tume punya and chanting on it gives 100000 crores tie punya. Falasy darshane punyam sparshkotigunam bhavet|
Shatkoti gunam punyam dharanlabhate narah
Lakshakoti sahastrani lakshkotishatan cha,
Japachch labhate nityam natr kary vcharana|| - Rudraksha beads are considered essential in doing Shiva sadhana and to please the Lord Shiva.
- If the person who is wearing Rudraksha at the time of death he certainly goes to the abode of Lord Shiva.
- According to Shiva Purana, wearing Rudraksha on head gives 1 crore time Punya, wearing in ear gives 10 Crores time punya, Wearing in neck gives 100 crore stime punya and if worn on manibandh(On Wrists) it gives complete Moksha to the wearer.
- As per the scriptures a person who wears 16-16 Rudraksha on both arms, 1 in the tuft on head, 12 in hand , 32 in neck , 40 on forehead, 1-1 in each ear, 6 on chest, thus in total 108 Rudraksha who wears them like in the abovementioned fashions is deemed to be worthy of worship like Lord Shiva himself.
- Rudraksha as big as a ‘Ber’ fruit are deemed Medium, Small like a Bengal Gram are the lowest, Rudraksha was big as ‘Anwala’ trees are considered the best.
- Rudraksha are of 4 types. Brahmans or priestly class should wear White Rudraksha, Kshatriyas, the warrior clans should wear Red colored Rudrakshas, Vaishya the merchant class should wear yellow color and the Shudras, the service class should wear black class Rudrakshas.
- Rudraksha are the best when they are tough, shiny, and thick. On the other hand Rudrakshas which are eaten bye termites, without the gravels and broken at the time of making holes and fake Rudrakshas are deemed to be HARMFUL.
- As when the Gold is rubbed on the ‘Kasauti’ it leaves a mark, similarly when the rudraksh leaves a mark n the ‘Kasauti’ , it is considered a best rudraksha.
Types of Rudraksha Rosaries:
Rudraksha rosary is giver of all four Purusharthas of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha.
- A Rudraksha rosary of 104 bead is granst good health,
- A Rudraksha rosary of 108 beads grants success in all endeavours.
- A Rudraksha rosary of 100 beads grants moksha.
- A Rudraksha rosary of 57 beads grants siddhis in sadhanas.
- A Rudraksha rosary of 27beads grants success in tantrik pursuits.
- A Rudraksha rosary of 32 beads grants success in attaining wealth.
How to wear a Rudraksha:
Mainly 14 mukhi Rudrakshas are considered good in general. However in India we an find eve 21 mukhi Rudraksha as well. We are explaining the method to wear Rudraksha from 1 to 21 mukhi with the dharan mantras. Please chant these mantras at least 108 times before wearing the related Rudraksha on any auspiciou Monday:
1. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha ( 1 face Rudraksha):
In Tantrik tradition , only a Mahabhogi ( One who enjoys all pleasures) or a Mahayogi( One who is above all pleasures) like Shiva can only wear Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. The wearer of Ek mukhi Rudraksha is not short of anything in his life. He has replete wealth surrounding him. It is said that if an original Ek Mukhi Rudraksh is put in a cup of water, water will start boiling after half an hour.
The benefits of wearing Ek Mukhi rudraksh include a strong mind and intellect, freedom from diseases, improved personality and victory over enemies. The wearer is able to fulfill all his desires and achieve his ambitions in his life.
The Ek mukhi Rudraksh eradicates old Asthma upon wearing and even the T.B.
Every Rudraksh has a special matras by which it can be made siddha. Ek Mukhi Rudraksh is done siddha to attain unabaited wealth.
Original Ek Mukhi Rudraksh is considered a form of Lord Shiva himself and is extremely rare to be obtained. Whoever has this Ek mukhi Rudraksh in his house , he does not remain short of achieving any of his desire. This Rudraksh is capable of eradicating even the sin of murder of a Brahman.
Mantra for Ek Mukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Ain Han Aun Ain Om||
||ॐ एं हं औं ऐं ॐ||
2. Dwimukhi Rudraksha ( 2 face Rudraksha):
Dwimukhi /Do Mukhi or two faced Rudraksha is considered a symbol of lord ardhanarishvara . It is very suitable for Lord Shiva devotees. This Rudraksha is very helpful in getting rid of tamasic(negative) tendencies. Dwimukhi Rudraksha is good to improve concentration. It brings peace to the mind and ensures spiritual elevation for the wearer and it helps to arouse the Kundalini rapidly. Dwimukhi rudrakhsa is also considered very helpful in doing vashikaran which means to attract a person’s favour or win the love of person.
Dwimukhi Rudrksh is considered as the real embodiment of Lord ardhanarishvara. This is form of Lord Shiva himself. The person wearing it gets rid of even the murder of a cow if he sincerely repents.
Mantra for DwiMukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Shrin Hrin Kshrin Vrin Om||
||ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्ष्रीं व्रीं ॐ ||
3.Trimukhi Rudraksha ( 3 face Rudraksha):
Trimukhi rudraksha is considered a form of fire. Trimukhi rudrakhsa represents 3 fires ( Bhaum, Divya & Jathar agni) . If this Rudraksha is worn, no disease, no fever, ailment weakness can remain in body. Trimukhi rudraksha is as effective as Rambaan (रामबाण – Arrow of Lord Sri Ram which never misses its mark). An infection of web like formation in in the eyes(आंखों का जाला) can be treated if Trimukhi Rudraksha is grounded in milk and given to the patient for drinking . The weather of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is ramesh constantly active. If somebody is jobless, not able to find any worthwhile occupation or is sick dil wearing 3 Mukhi Rudraksha definitely gifts success to him and cures him.
This Rudraksha is a form of fire in itself. It has the power to ameliorate the sin of murder of a woman.
Mantra for TriMukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Ran In Hring Hroong Om||
||ॐ रं इं ह्रीं ह्रूं ॐ ||
4.Chaturmukhi Rudraksha ( 4 face Rudraksha):
Chaturmukha rudraksha represents lord Brahma. This rudraksha get success in education. People with weak intellect, weak mind, week speaking power or weak memory- they all and benefit greatly from this Chaturmukhi Rudraksha. It is like wish fulfilling tree for them. All their above mentioned problems eradicated pachattar Mukhi Rudraksha. The wearer of this Rudraksha gets extraordinary success in education meeting etc. Chakra Mukhi Rudraksha is also used and hypnotism vashikaran. The brain related elements can be positively cured by boiling Chatur Mukhi Rudraksha in milk and drinking it for at least 20 days.
This Rudraksha is considered direct embodiment of Lord Brahma. By wearing this, the health remains in Pristine condition and the person remains free from all diseases. Chaturmukhi Rudraksha is capable of ameliorating the sin of Murder of a man.
Mantra for Chaturmukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Vaan kraan taan hraan Een ||
||ॐ वां क्रां तां ह्रां ईं ||
5.Panchmukhi Rudraksha ( 5 face Rudraksha):
Panchamukhi rudraksha represents Lord Shiva. This is the most commonly found Rudraksha in the market today. Also it is the cheapest one. This Rudraksha is the destroyer of the enemies. Panchmukhi Rudraksha Removes the fear of poisonous insects like snake Scorpion etc. Panchmukhi Rudraksha is also very helpful in Tantric process of Vidveshan (Igniting animosity between two people) and Shatru stambhan( Halting the movements of an enemy). This Rudraksha is also very helpful in bringing peace of mind and happiness.
Panchmukhi Rudraksha success and progress. Panchmukhi Rudraksha is also called as Kaalaagni. This rudraksha is capable of removing the sin of adultery.
Mantra for Panchmukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hraan Aan Kshmyau Swaaha ||
||ॐ ह्रां आं क्षम्यौ स्वाहा ||
6.Shanmukhi Rudraksha ( 6 face Rudraksha):
Shanmukhi rudraksha represents Lord Ganesha. This Rudraksha gives Riddhi-Siddhi (Riddhi- and materialistic Pursuits,Siddhi- success in attaining attaining spiritual pursuits and gaining Supernatural powers) . Therefore Shanmukhi rudraksha is used in gaining complete success at work and extra ordinary results in business.
The wearer of this Rudraksha does not lack anything in his materialistic ambitions. This Rudraksha eradicate poverty and brings wealth.
Shanmukhi Rudraksha has also been successful in treating Hysteria, moorcha, Leukorrhea & and other diseases related to women is also.
Shanmukhi Rudraksha also considered an embodiment of Kartikeya, the other son of Lord Shiva. Mother Annapurna lives in the house where this Rudraksha is worn. The person does not lacks anything in his life.
Mantra for Shanmukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hreen Shreen Kleen Ain ||
||ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं ऐं ||
7. Saptmukhi Rudraksha ( 7 face Rudraksha):
Saptamukhi rudraksha represents 7 Matrikas.This is very beneficial Rudraksh. This is primarily used to attain a long life. According to astrologers, if the person is suffering from Markesh yoga in his astrological chart, whenever they wore this Rudrakha they have seen astonishing results. The person who wears it does not suffer fatality from weapons or untimely death. Saptamukhi Rudraksh is also used to cure Sannipat, Hysteria and cold fever etc.
As spatamukhi rudraksha represents the seven Matrikas of gods , the wearer gets immense wealth and property due to its extremely beneficial effect.
Mantra for Saptmukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hreen Kreen Glaun Hreen Sraun ||
||ॐ ह्रीं क्रीं ग्लौं ह्रीं स्रौं ||
8. Ashtmukhi Rudraksha ( 8 face Rudraksha):
Ashtmukhi Rudraksha represents AshtDevis. This Rudraksha is extremely helpful in attaining knowledge, peace of mind and concentration. When the person is not able to meditate in spite of his best efforts and his Kundalini is not awakening then Ashtamukhi Rudraksha help immensely and give success in both.
Not only this Ashtmukhi Rudraksha is also immensely helpful useful for the merchant class. This brings great success and progress in business . Also it helps in gambling, horse racing and in sudden gain of wealth like lottery etc.
Ashtmukhi Rudraksha also protects the wearers from troubles and brings peace and harmony. The person who wears it, any tantrik procedure against him will not be successful neither on his house. Ashta Mukhi Rudraksha also helps in love matters.
This Rudraksha helps in stroke, Jalodar another diseases too.
First Mukhi Rudraksha also considered a form of 8 Vasus. All kinds of sins are ameliorated by wearing Ashta Mukhi Rudraksha. Also this Rudraksha is very helpful in obtaining the final liberation or Nirvana.
Mantra for Ashtamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hraan Green Lan Aan Shreen ||
||||ॐ ह्रां ग्रीं लं आं श्रीं || ||
9. Navamukhi Rudraksha ( 9 face Rudraksha):
Navmukhi Rudraksha represents 9 form of shaktis or NavDurgas. This Rudraksha is very rare. Navmukhi Rudraksha gifts success in all kinds of sadhanas, brings fame, glory, honour and recognition. 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is very helpful in bringing success in Sadhanas and tantras related with mother Durga. This is also used in defeating Enemies and getting success in court cases.
People who are weak from heart they can also use Navmukhi Rudraksha in getting rid of all diseases related to heart.
9 Mukhi Rudraksha is also called by the name Bhairav. Person who wears this rudrakhsa,does not feel untimely death I did not meet with life threatening accident in his life.
Mantra for Navamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hreen Van Yan Ran Lan ||
||ॐ ह्रीं वं यं रं लं ||
10. Dashamukhi Rudraksha ( 10 face Rudraksha):
Dashukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Yama the god of death and it is extremely rare to find. Dashmukhi Rudraksha has been given extremely high importance in tantras shastra. The person who wears it does not gets affected by lifetreathening tantrik procedures of ‘Maaran(Kill)’ and ‘Mohan(Enchanting)’ which can either Kill him or give complete control over him. He is protected from all tantrik procedures. The wearer of Dashmukhi Rudraksha does not face untimely death or life threatening accident. He is protected from all troubles and conspiracies.
If Dashukhi Rudraksha is grounded with milk and is administered 3 times to the patient then it cures ‘Kookarkhansi-Dogs cough’ disease.
This Rudraksha is considered an embodiment of Lord Vishnu. The wearer of this Rudraksha gets glory and Honour in the entire world.
Mantra for Dashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hreen Kleen Vreen ||
||ॐ ह्रीं क्लीं व्रीं ||
11. Ekadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 11 face Rudraksha):
Ekadashmukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord Rudra and is found with great difficulty. This Rudraksha is very important for women. Ekdashmukhi Rudraksha is helpful in protecting her husband, getting long life for him and ensuring his progress and good luck. This Rudraksha is also used to be beget a progeny. According to you our scripture ‘Jabalyopnishad’ if Ekadashmuhi Rudraksha is done ‘Abhimantrit'(A special procedure to empower it further with proper mantras) and if the women wears it then she certainly begets a son.
Ekadashmukhi Rudraksha is also used to eradicate epidemic diseases. Ekadashmukhi rudraksha is an embodiment of Lord Rudra and the wearer of this rudraksha does not lac anything is life after wearing this.
Mantra for Ekadashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Roon Kshoon Moon Yoon Om ||
||ॐ रूं क्षूं मूं यूं ॐ ||
12. Dwadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 12 face Rudraksha):
DwadashMukhi Rudraksha is considered a form of Lord Vishnu. This Rudraksha is extremely rare to find. DwadashMukhi Rudraksha helps you to maintain celibacy (Brahmcharya) and protects the radiance and aura glow of face. If your are weak & do not feel strong enough then you should definitely wear this Rudraksha lifelong. Dwadashmukhi Rudraksha is very useful in yellow fever (Pandu Rogas) . This Rudraksha also helps maintain and protect your attractive and powerful personality.
Dwadashmukhi Rudraksha is associated with got it goddess Annapurna. Wearer of this Rudraksha should not be afraid of attack by weapons, neither any tantrik procedure is effective on him.This Rudraksha is also considered an embodiment of God Sun.
Mantra for Dwadashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hreen Kshaun Ghrinih Shreen ||
||ॐ ह्रीं क्षौं घृणि: श्रीं ||
13. Trayodashamukhi Rudraksha ( 13 face Rudraksha):
Trayodashi mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord ff Love-Lord Kamadeva. Only very lucky people are bale to wear this Rudraksha.There are multifold benefits of wearing this Rudraksha. Trayodashmukhi Rudraksha is helpful in fulfilling your wishes completely.This also helps in getting wealth, fame, honour prestigious positions in life.
To fulfill your wishes you need to ‘siddha’ TrayodashMukhi Rudraksha in different ways.
A to maintain your bodily beauty you need to boil this Rudraksha with milk and then drink it on regular basis.
This Rudraksha the form of Lord kamdev -The Lord of love. The wearer of this Rudraksha becomes a complete man and completely virile.
Mantra for Trayodashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Een Yaan Aapah Om ||
||ॐ ईं यां आपः ॐ ||
14.Chaturdashamukhi Rudraksha (14 face Rudraksha):
Chaturdashmukhi Rudraksha is a representative of Lord tripurari , lord Sh. According to Jabalyopanishad, Chaturdashmukhi Rudraksha has originated from the eyes of Lord Shiva. This Rudraksha is important for good health, getting rid of diseases and for progress and prosperity. It works very well in under these conditions. Rudraksha will also help and will give benefits, if you wear it cure any kind of disease. Chaturdashmukhi Rudraksha is primarily meant for keeping you healthy and free of diseases. If you wear this you will be disease free certainly.
Chaturdashmukhi Rudraksha is considered temporary Mount of Lord Hanuman. Raksha has infinite benefits and properties. The person wearing Chaturdashmukhi Rudraksha is considered shivatulya (Shiva like).
Mantra for Chaturdashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Aun Hasfrai Khabfrai Hasrau Hasabfau ||
||ॐ औं हस्फ्रै खब्फ्रै हस्रौ हसब्फौ ||
15.Panchdashamukhi Rudraksha ( 15 face Rudraksha):
Panchdashmukhi Rudraksha is a representative of Lord Pashupati. Panchdashmukhi Rudraksha is specially important to gain economic prosperity. The person wearing Panchdashmukhi Rudraksha never remains empty handed. The wearer of this Rudraksha does not suffers from any skin disease
Mantra for Panchadashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hain San Hreen Ain Om ||
||ॐ हैं सं ह्रीं ऐं ॐ ||
16.Shodashamukhi Rudraksha ( 16 face Rudraksha):
Shodashmukhi Rudraksha is a representative of victory on Kala, that is victory over death. The person wearing this Rudraksha does not feel any cold or heat. The wandering Saints and Sadhus in forest, find it very useful for themselves because of this qualities. The place where this Rudraksha is kept there is no fear of fire 3 is a robbery. That house is protected from these mishaps.
Mantra for Shodashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Vaan Kaan Taan Hraan Ain Shreen ||
||ॐ वां क्रां तां ह्रां ऐं श्रीं ||
17.Saptadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 17 face Rudraksha):
Saptadashmukhi Rudraksha is a representative of lord Vishwakarma-the chief architect of Devas. The rudraksha is especially helpful in getting sudden wealth. The person wearing Saptadashamukhi Rudraksha in his neck,receives sudden wealth many times in his life.. Satta Desh Mukhi Rudraksha is especially helpful in gaining material wealth, house, vehicle, property and wealth.
Mantra for Saptdashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hraan Kraan Kshaun Swaaha ||
||ॐ ह्रां क्रां क्षौं स्वाहा ||
18.Ashtadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 18 face Rudraksha):
Ashtadashmukhi Rudraksha represents mother Earth. The person wearing it remains healthy,well built, powerful and happy. This Rudraksha is especially helpful in protecting the pregnancy. The woman who are facing repeated abortion issues they should wear Astadashmukhi Rudrakhsa. This rudraksha is primarily used in treating the children related diseases.
Mantra for Ashtadashamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Hreen Shreen Kleen Saun Ain Hreen ||
||ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं सौं ऐं ह्रीं ||
19.Unneesamukhi Rudraksha ( 19 face Rudraksha):
Unneesmukhi Rudraksha representative of Lord Narayana. The person wearing Unneesmukhi rudraksha will get all kinds of materialistic pleasures . The person does not like anything in his life and insurance call time zone happiness and wealth and Treasures. This rudraksha is worn for continuous progress in business, and getting all kinds of physical and materialistic pleasures in life.
Mantra for Unneesamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Han San Ain Hreen Shreen ||
||ॐ हं सं ह्रीं ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं ||
20.Beesamukhi Rudraksha ( 20 face Rudraksha):
BeesRudraksha is easily found in market. This is a representative of Lord Brahma. Person wearing finds his knowledge and devotion enhancing day by day. His mind remains focussed and full of concentrated on his goal. Beesmukhi Rudraksha is used to improve eyesight.
Mantra for Beesamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Jnyaan Jnyeen Lan An Ain Shreen ||
||ॐ ज्ञां ज्ञी लं अं ऐं श्रीं || ||
21.Ikkisamukhi Rudraksha ( 21 face Rudraksha):
The Ekkismukhi Rudraksha is extremely rare and is not easily found. Only very lucky people are blessed to possess it. This is used to attain all kinds of pleasures, extraordinary ritches. Ekkismukhi rudraksha is a representative of lord Kubera. Even if a poor person wears it, then also he will become rich. Ekkismukhi Rudraksha is also used to get rid of all kind of physical ailments.
Mantra for Ikkeesamukhi Rudraksha:
||Om Ain Hreen Hreen Hreen Shreen Shreen Shreen Ain ||
||ॐ ऐं ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं श्रीं श्रीं श्रीं ऐं ||
Where to buy Rudrakshas in US:
1. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha ( 1 face Rudraksha):
2. Dwimukhi Rudraksha ( 2 face Rudraksha):
3.Trimukhi Rudraksha ( 3 face Rudraksha):
4.Chaturmukhi Rudraksha ( 4 face Rudraksha):
5.Panchmukhi Rudraksha ( 5 face Rudraksha):
6.Shanmukhi Rudraksha ( 6 face Rudraksha):
7. Saptmukhi Rudraksha ( 7 face Rudraksha):
8. Ashtmukhi Rudraksha ( 8 face Rudraksha):
9. Navamukhi Rudraksha ( 9 face Rudraksha):
10. Dashamukhi Rudraksha ( 10 face Rudraksha):
11. Ekadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 11 face Rudraksha):
12. Dwadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 12 face Rudraksha):
13. Trayodashamukhi Rudraksha ( 13 face Rudraksha):
14.Chaturdashamukhi Rudraksha (14 face Rudraksha):
15.Panchdashamukhi Rudraksha ( 15 face Rudraksha):
16.Shodashamukhi Rudraksha ( 16 face Rudraksha):
17.Saptadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 17 face Rudraksha):
18.Ashtadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 18 face Rudraksha):
19.Unneesamukhi Rudraksha ( 19 face Rudraksha):
20.Beesamukhi Rudraksha ( 20 face Rudraksha):
21.Ikkisamukhi Rudraksha ( 21 face Rudraksha):
22.Indrakshi Rudraksha Mala (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, 21 face, Gauri Ganesh Rudraksha Rosary):
Links for Rudraksha in India:
1. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha ( 1 face Rudraksha):
2. Dwimukhi Rudraksha ( 2 face Rudraksha):
3.Trimukhi Rudraksha ( 3 face Rudraksha):
4.Chaturmukhi Rudraksha ( 4 face Rudraksha):
5.Panchmukhi Rudraksha ( 5 face Rudraksha):
6.Shanmukhi Rudraksha ( 6 face Rudraksha):
7. Saptmukhi Rudraksha ( 7 face Rudraksha):
8. Ashtmukhi Rudraksha ( 8 face Rudraksha):
9. Navamukhi Rudraksha ( 9 face Rudraksha):
10. Dashamukhi Rudraksha ( 10 face Rudraksha):
11. Ekadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 11 face Rudraksha):
12. Dwadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 12 face Rudraksha):
13. Trayodashamukhi Rudraksha ( 13 face Rudraksha):
14.Chaturdashamukhi Rudraksha (14 face Rudraksha):
15.Panchdashamukhi Rudraksha ( 15 face Rudraksha):
16.Shodashamukhi Rudraksha ( 16 face Rudraksha):
17.Saptadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 17 face Rudraksha):
18.Ashtadashamukhi Rudraksha ( 18 face Rudraksha):
19.Unneesamukhi Rudraksha ( 19 face Rudraksha):
20.Beesamukhi Rudraksha ( 20 face Rudraksha):
21.Ikkisamukhi Rudraksha ( 21 face Rudraksha):
22.Indrakshi Rudraksha Mala ( 1 to 21 face Rudrakshas): Not found yet
Links for Rudrakhsa in UK: In process…
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