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The Australian Doctor who turned Yoga teacher


You will find many Yoga practitioners  & teachers in Australia but rarely you will find a doctor who became Sanyasi Yogi  and is available to share his knowledge and wisdom to general public. Swami Shankardev Saraswati an Australian by birth,  is a qualified Medical Doctor, Yoga Therapist, Yoga Acharya, Author, International Speaker & registered Yoga teacher. He currently lives in Sydney, Australia.

Yoga is a higher spiritual science of body, mind and soul. There is a great need of Yoga teachers who know the best of western medical science and the finer aspects Indian Yoga discipline is bets suited when the teacher has practiced both in practical and to a recognized level. In that case he is not only a teacher but a school of applied sciences of both physical and metaphysical realms. Swami Shankardev Saraswati is both a qualified Doctor & high level Yogi of Swami order. He is an authentic & registered Yoga instructor in Australia.

Swami Shankardev Saraswati completed his  MB, BS (Medical Doctor) (MD equivalent) from Sydney University  in the year 1976. He was intrigued by the healing stories spiritual yoga practitioners, thus he came to India and studied Yoga from Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, Bihar in India and got his Yoga Acharya (Master of Yoga) IYFM degree in the year 1981 .

He  read his first book,The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa, on yoga and meditation when he  was 13 years old. This book was a story of a young boy who enters a Tibetan Monastery and undergoes rigorous training to become a spiritual adept. This book left a deep impression on him and  he nurtured a  deep longing  for spiritual growth and this laid the foundation foundation of his extraordinary course of his life.


However he felt the need for the  right amalgamation of scientific knowledge and esoteric science is needed to bring authenticity to the ancient knowledge and set modern standards to impart the correct learning and progress and spiritual and physical well being of a person.

He went on to become a qualified MBBS , western medical doctor from Sydney University in the year 1976. He came to India immediately after completing his medical degree and learnt the authentic Kriya yoga from the very center of the birth place of Kriya Yoga’s first institution in modern times from Bihar School of Yoga, Munger. He became a Yogi , Sanyasi t and received the coveted, honored title of Swami in Sanyasa order.Swami title is given to only those who have attained a high level of spiritual progress and reached a deep leveld of meditation. During this time he wrote several books on yoga and yoga therapy.

After nearly 10 years he returned to Australia in 1985 again and completed his  MSc (Master of Science) University of New South wales in the year 1990. His researched on research the physiology of yoga to complete his MSc. He started disseminating the deep knowledge and practices learnt in India fro the benefit of Australian people.  In due course, he became  yoga Acharya (authority), yoga therapist, psychotherapist, author and and renowned  teacher of Yoga in Australia.

His  work integrates western mind-body medicine and psychotherapy with eastern methods of mind-body development and awakening consciousness. He does consultation even on skype and telephone  to treat  chronic physical and psychological diseases by combining western medicine with yoga, yoga-tantra, Ayurveda, and other systems of self-development.

His institution offers expert resources and products to help you achieve optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.  They affirm their commitment towards the well-being of a person at every level – whether you’re just beginning a journey of self-care, or you’re an experienced yoga teacher or holistic health practitioner.Yoga and meditation can ease pain and suffering of every kind, including physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual distress. They have  carefully crafted products which incorporate higher yoga, meditation, yoga therapy, Ayurveda, and psychotherapy to create a potent system of healing and self-development for your body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Over the last 40 years, Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati, has traveled widely through many countries, learning and teaching esoteric Eastern traditions. I had the privilege  meet and study with many wonderful gurus, teachers and mentors and has a wide network of spiritual friends across the globe. This vast experience has enhanced his learnings a and he is able to derive many wonderful synchronicities for the benefit of his clients and patients.

Swami Shankardev Saraswati also provides online meditation courses  deepen your understanding and self-awareness. With his extensive knowledge he offers unique combination of both ancient and modern healing and self-development practices.

 His strongly affirms  the validity of yoga and meditation as incredibly potent ways of rejuvenating ourselves, of uplifting our minds and hearts, and awakening greater insight into the nature of life and the world we live in.

His Other qualifications include:
1991 – Cert Ayurvedic Studies, The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM, USA
2003 – Diploma of Medical Hypnosis, College of Medical Hypnosis
2010 – Cert Mental Health, Institute of Psychiatry, Australia

His books are::

Published by the Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, Bihar, India:
Yogic Management of Asthma and Diabetes
The Effects of Yoga on Hypertension
The Practice of Yoga for the Digestive System

He also contributed to the book:
Kundalini Tantra (Bihar School of Yoga)

He edited the following books (Bihar School of Yoga):
– Surya Namaskara: a technique of solar vitalization
– Hatha Yoga Pradipika
– Moola Bandha: the master key
– Prana and Pranayama
– Sure Ways to Self-Realization

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Growing number of Foreigner Sadhus in India

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2 Comments on “The Australian Doctor who turned Yoga teacher”

  1. Interesting article. I think Yoga has crossed Indian boundaries long back an is now fast becoming a global phenomenon.

  2. Your blog has some very unique posts. Love to refer it at times.

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