वैशाख शुक्ल एकादशी- मोहिनी एकादशी कथा
धर्मराज युधिष्ठिर कहने लगे- “ हे कृष्ण! वैशाख मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी का क्या नाम है तथा उसकी क्या कथा है? इस व्रत की कौन सी विधि है? सब कहिए|”
भगवान श्री कृष्ण बोले-“ हे धर्मराज! मैं आपसे एक कथा कहता हूँ|जिसको महर्षि वशिष्ठ ने श्री रामचंद्रजी से कहा था|
एक समय मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्री रामचंद्र ने गुरु वशिष्ठ से पूचछा- “ हे गुरुदेव! आप मुझे कोई ऐसा व्रत बताइए जिससे समस्त पाप और दुख नाश को प्राप्त हो जायें.|मैने सीताजी के वियोग में बहुत दुख भोगे हैं| अतः आप कोई उत्तम व्रत बतलाइए|
महर्षि वशिष्ठ बोले-“हे राम! आपने बहुत सुंदर प्रश्न किया है| आपकी बुद्धि अत्यंत शुद्ध और पवित्र है| यद्यपि आपके नाम के स्मरण मात्र से ही मनुष्य पवित्र और शुद्ध हो जाता है, फिर भी आपने यह प्रश्न लोक कल्याण के लिए किया है| अब मैं आपको वैशाख शुक्ल एकादशी का महत्व सुनाता हूँ. इस एकादशी का नाम मोहिनी एकादशी है| इस एकादशी का व्रत करने से मनुष्य के सभी पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं और दुख दूर हो जाते है. तथा इस व्रत के करने से मनुष्य सब पापो और दुखो से छूटकर सांसारिक मायाजाल से मुक्ति पा जाता है| इसलिए हे राम, यह व्रत दुखी मनुष्यों को आवश्य करना चाहिए , जिससे उनके समस्त पाप और दुख नष्ट हो जायें| मैं आपको इससे सम्बंधित एक कथा सुनता हूँ|
सरस्वती नदी के किनारे भद्रावती नाम की एक नगरी थी|उस नागरी में द्द्तिमान नाम का चंद्रवंशी राजा राज्य करता था| इसी नगरी में एक दयालु, धर्मात्मा और महाधनी धर्मपाल नमक वैश्य भी रहता था| धर्मपाल बहुत ही धार्मिक और विष्णुभक्त था| उसने नगर में अनेको अनेक अन्नक्षेत्र, प्याउ, तालाब, कूप, सराय और सरोवर , बगीचे इत्यादि बनवाए थे| उसने सड़कों के किनारे फलदार वृक्ष , जैसे आम, अमरूद, जामुन , कटहल इत्यादि के पेड़ बहुतायत में लगवाए थे| उस धनी वैश्य के पाँच पुत्र थे- सुमना, सद्बुद्धि मेधावी, सुकृति और धृष्टबुद्धि| इसमे धृष्टबुद्धि, जैसा नाम वैसा गुण वाला , महपापी, सबसे द्वेष रखनेवाला और अति दुष्ट स्वभाववाला था|
वह ना तो विद्वानो का सम्मान करता था और ना ही पूर्वजों का संस्कार और सम्मान| वह हमेशा शराब, माँस, वेश्या गमन और बुरा काम करनेवालों के संगति में ही रहता था| जुआ खेलना, पराई स्त्रियों से भोग विलास करना ही मानो उसके जीवन का उद्देश्य प्रतीत होता था| इसके अलावा भी वह कई और कुकर्मो और व्यसनो में अपने पिता का धन बर्बाद करता था|उसकी इस अनीतिपूर्ण व्यवहार से सब घरवाले तंग आ चुके थे| एक दिन उसके पिता, भाइयों और परिवारवालों ने , तंग आकर उसे घर से निकल दिया|
घर से निकाले जाने के बाद कुछ समय तक तो वह अपने गहने-जेवर और कपड़े बेचकर गुज़रा करता रहा| जब उसका सारा धन समाप्त हो गया तो उसे वेश्याओं और दुष्ट मित्रो ने भी छोड़ दिया| अब उसके पास खाने पीने के लिए भी कुछ नही बचा| जीविकोपर्जन का कोईऔर साधन ना आने के कारण उसने चोरी करना प्रारंभ कर दिया| एक बार वह पकड़ा गया तो राज्य कर्मचारियों ने उसे धर्मपाल का पुत्र जानकर छोड़ दिया| लेकिन जब वह दुबारा चोरी करते पकड़ा गया तो उसे राजा द्द्तिमान के सामने प्रस्तुत कर दियाया गया| राजा ने उसे कारागार में डाल दिया| उसे कारागार में बहुत दुख सहना पड़ा और जब वह छूटा तो उसे नगर से निकल दिया गया| अब वह जंगल में रहने लगा और बहेलिया बन गया| अब वह धनुष बाण लेकर जंगली पशु-पक्षियों का शिकार करने लगा| पर शिकार करना भी आसान न था| कई-कई दिन शिकार नही मिलता, तो उसे भूखे भी रहना पड़ता|
एक दिन वह भूख और प्यास से व्याकुल होकर, घूमते-घूमते कौडिन्य ऋषि के आश्रम में जा पहुँचा| उस समय वैशाख की गर्मी का महीना था | कौडिन्य ऋषि गंगा स्नान करके आ रहे थे| उनके गंगा स्नान से भीगे हुए वस्त्रो के कुछ छींटे धृष्टबुद्धि के उपर पड़े. इससे उसको थोड़ी चैतन्यता आई| ऋषि की तपस्या और पवित्र गंगा जल का स्पर्श पाकर धृष्टबुद्धि कुछ संभल गया और कहने लगा- “हे मुने! मैने अपने जीवन में बहुत से पाप किए हैं| आप उन पापों से छूटने का कोई उपाय बतायें| उपाय ऐसा हो की जिसमे अधिक परिश्रम और धन ना लगे|मैं दीन हूँ और आपकी शरणागत हूँ| कृपाकर मेरा उद्धार करें|”
उसके ऐसे इन नम्रतापूर्ण वचनो को सुनकर ऋषि कहने लगे-“ मैं तुम्हारे भले की बात कहता हूँ| ध्यान देकर सुनो| आने वाले वैशाख के महीने में शुक्ल पक्ष में जो एकादशी पड़ती है, तुम उसका व्रत करो| इस एकादशी का नाम मोहिनी एकादशी है| इससे तुम्हारे अनंत जन्मो के पाप नष्ट हो जाएँगे|” मुनि की बात सुनकर धृष्टबुद्धि बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ और उनकी ही बताई विधि के अनुसार उसने मोहिनी एकादशी का व्रत किया|
गुरु वशिष्ठ ने कहा- “ हे राम| इस व्रत के प्रभाव से धृष्टबुद्धि के सारे पाप नष्ट हो गये और वह निष्पाप होकर गरूण पर बैठकर भगवान विष्णु के लोक चला गया| इस व्रत से मोह, मद आदि सब पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं| संसार में इससे बढ़कर कोई व्रत नही है| इसके महात्म्य को पढ़ने और सुनने से ही एक हज़ार गौदान का फल प्राप्त होता है|
Vaishakh Shukla Paksha Ekadashi – Mohini Ekadashi
Mohini Ekadashi is celebrated in Shukla paksha (Waxing moon phase or bright fortnight) of second month- Vaishakh of Hindu Lunar calendar.

Lord Vishnu has taken many incarnations for the larger good of the world. One such incarnation was the Mohini incarnation. When Amrita (divine nectar of immortality) was found upon ocean churning. A big fight ensued amongst the Devas (Demi-Gods) and Demons. They both wanted to be immortal by drinking Amrita. Dispute grew so bitter that Lord Indras’ son ran away with Amrita. Asuras (Demons) followed. At this very time Lord Vishnu took the form a beautiful celestial lady being, called Mohini. Asuras were completely enamored looking at heavenly beauty of Mohini. Both Devas (Demi-Gods) and Auras Agreed to make her judge and asked her to distribute Amrita equally amongst them. Lord Vishnu in the form of Mohini warned them saying, ” Great and powerful people like you should not be trusting a wandering woman at random. However completely besotted, they insisted that she only should distribute the Amrita and no-one else.
Goddess Mohini arranged two separate rows of Asuras and Devas She distributed amrit to Devas .Auras completely under the influence of Maya didn’t notice this and were making merry with Mohini. One Auras noticed this with his mayic powers(magical powers) and sat amongst Gods and took the Amrita. However before he could gulp Sun and Moon reported this to Lord Vishnu in the form of Mohini. Goddess Mohini immediately took tout Sudasrhan Chakra and behaded the demon. However sine the Amrit was already reach his nectar. Asura didn’t die. His head was called Rahu and torso was called Ketu and remained immortal. It is believed the they god the postilion of the specific nodes in sky and cause Solar and Lunar Eclipse even till date because of their animosity with Sun and Moon.

Mohini incarnation occurred on the Mohini Ekadashi. Thus Mohini form of Vishnu is worshiped on this day. It is supposed to erase all your sins and brings the amity in relations with your spouse.
Story & Significance of Mohini Ekadashi:
Once upon a time King Yudhishthir asked or Shri Krishna, ” Dear Lord, Pleas tell us about the Ekadashi in Vaishakh Shukla Paksha , its significance , story and the procedure to observe this fast.”
Lord Shri Krishna said, ” O King of Dharma(righteousness and justice) , i will tell you a story ,which was told by Sage Brahmarshi Vashishth to Lord Shri Ram in Terta Yuga,
Once upon a time Lord Shri Rama Asked Sage Vashishtha, ” Dear Gurudeva , Please tell me about a fast which will destroy all sins and sorrows . I have undergone many hardships staying away from Sitaji. Therefore Please tell me about a fast.”

Brahmasrhi Vashish said,'” O Shri Ram you have asked a very good question. Your mind and intellect is very pure and holy. Although people are cleansed from their sins just by taking your name but still for the larger good of humanity, I will tell about the significance of Ekadashi . The Ekadashi which comes in the month of Vaishakh Shukla paksha is called Mohini Ekadashi.
This fast removes the sins and sorrows of the observer and frees hims from worldly maze of disillusion. Therefore a person who is suffering with grief an sorrow must observe this fast. I will tell you a story about this fast.
There was a city called Bhadravati on the banks of Saraswati. The city was ruled by a Lunar dynasty King named Dyuitiman. There also live a wealthy , benevolent merchant Dharmapala in Bhadravati. He was very generous and a dvotee of Lord Vishnu.
Dharmapala had made many free of cost food distribution centers, water distribution pints, wells, ponds and inns . He also ha planted fruit trees like Mango, Black Plum, Neem etc on roadside. He had five sons- Sumana, Sadbuddhi, Medhavi, Sukriti, and Dhrustbuddhi. Dhrustbuddhi which means bad mind acted as per his name only and was very cruel and evil in his deeds. He didn’t respect high intellect people or neither offered any respect to Pitrs (Departed ancestors) . He drank alcohol and ate meat .He visited brothels had companionship of with evil people and indulged in rampant adultery. He used to squander his father’s money in other futile and unlawful activities. He never had any respected in Gods,Pitars (departed ancestors) and didn’t even believed in them. His relatives grew vary of him and Dhrustbuddhi had to leave his house.

After being evicted from house, Dhrustbuddhi spent some time by selling his jewelry and clothes. Once his money was finished then the prostitutes and his evil friend left him. Now he stayed hungry and became weak . He started stealing now. Once he was caught but officials left because he was the son of Dharmapala and his reputation. But when he was caught second time then he was presented before King. King imprisoned him. There he had to suffer a lot pain. After sometime he was expelled from city. He went to forest now. The started hunting and eating animals an birds now. He became hunter now and started hinting with bow and arrow. But even this was a tough job for him .Sometime she had to stay hungry for days as he couldn’t hunt anything.

One day he was hungry and was searching for food. While roaming around he reached the hermitage of Kaudinya Rishi. It a Vaishakh month that time. Kaudinya Rishi was returning from Ganges river after taking bath. Few drop of water from his wet cloths fell on the Dhrustbuddhi. He regained some sense due to this. Because of the effect of Rishi’s penance power and the touch f holy Ganges water, he became a little mindful and started saying, ” O respected Sage, I have committed many sins in my life, Now I want to get rid of the, Kindly tell me a way to rid of these sins which is easy and doesn’t need much money to perform. No I take your refuge, Kindly deliver me.”
Rishi started saying after listening to sincere and humble words, ” Listen carefully, You should observe the fast of Vaishakh Shukla Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is called Mohini Ekadashi. This wll destroy your sins from you infinite births.” Dhrustbuddhi became very happy after listening words of Kaudinya Rishi and observed Mohini Ekadashi fast following his the instructions.
Guru Vashishth said,” O Rama, All the sins of Dhrustbuddhi were destroyed because of this Mohini Ekadashi fast and he became sinless and pure. At last days of his life he sat on Garuda and went to the Loka of Lord Vishnu. This fast destroys false affection, anger and false pride. There is no other fast better than this fast in the world . Even listening to the significance of this fast give you a merit of donation of One thousand cows.

Rules for observing fast:
One should leave the food before the sunset of a day before, on Dashami day. The ideas is to have empty stomach and not even a single food grain should be present in stomach on Ekadashi. One should should sleep remembering Lords Vishnu on Dashami night.
On the day of Ekadashi one should not have any bad thoughts or any greed or do bitching about anyone. Keep your mind clean and holy.
One should get up early before sunrise on the day of Ekadashi and take bath and do Sankalpa9( A verbal promise to Lord Vishnu giving details of date, time, place and Year of fast) and worship Lord Vishnu in morning.
He should offer Tulasi leaves, Til, and seasonal fruits. No grains should be eaten on Ekadashi . In evening after worship again, if someone wants they can take fruits . Even you are not able to keep fast , one should not eat rice on Ekadashi at any coast.
One should stay awake on Ekadashi night. This is highly eulogized. Chanting of Vishnu Sahasranam is considered highly meritorious on this day. One should break the fast the next day after worshiping Lord Vishnu and offering food to a learned Brahmana.
Mohini Ekadashi Katha in Hindi with English alphabets ::
( For those who are not familiar with Hindi letter but want to read story in Hindi only)
Dharmaraj Yudhishthir kahane lage- “ He Krishna! Vaishakh mas ke shukla paksh ki Ekadashi ka kya naam hai tatha usaki kya katha hai? Is vrat ki kaun si vidhi hai? Sab kahiye|”
Bhagawan Shri Krishna bole-“ He Dharmaraaj ! Main aapse ek katha kahata hoon|Jisako Maharshi Vashishth ne Ramchandraji se kaha tha|
Ek Samay Maryada Purushottam Shri Ramchandra ne Guru Vashishth se poochha- “ He Gurudev! Aap mujhe koi aisa vrat bataiye jisase samast pap aur dukh naash ko prapt ho jaayein.|Maine Sitaji ke viyog mein bahut dukh bhoge hain| Atah aap koi uttam vrat batalaiye|
Maharshi Vashishth bole-“He Ram! Aapne bahut sundar prashn kiya hai| Aapaki buddhi atyant shuddh aur pavitra hai| Yadyapi aapke naam ke smaran matra se hi manushya pavitra aur shuddh ho jata hai, fir bhi aapne yah prashn lok kalyan ke liye kiya hai| Ab main aapko Vaishakh Shukla Ekadashi ka mahatva sunata hoon. Is Ekadashi ka naam Mohini Ekadashi hai| Is Ekadashi ka vrat karane se manushya ke sabhi paap nasht ho jaate hain aur dukh door ho jaate hai. Tatha is vrat ke karane se manushya sab paapo aur dukho se chhootkar sansarik mayajaal se mukti paa jata hai| Isliye He Ram, Yah vrat dukhi manushyon ko avashya karana chahiye , jisase unke samast paap aur dukh nasht ho jaayein| Main aapko isase smbandhit ek katha sunata hoon|
Saraswati Nadi ke kinare Bhadravati naam ki ek nagari thi|Us nagari mein Dyutiman naam ka ek Chandravanshi Raja rajya karata tha| Isi nagari mein ek dayalu, dharmatma aur mahadhani Dharmapal namak Vaishy bhi rahata tha| Dharmapal bahut hi dharmik aur Vishnubhakt tha| Usane nagar mein aneko anek Annakshetra, Pyau, Talab, Koop, Saray aur Sarovar , bageeche ityadi banavaye the| Usane sadakon ke kinare faldar vriksh , jaise Aam, Amarood, Jamun , Katahal ityadi ke ped bahutayat mein lagawaye the| Us Dhani Vaishy ke paanch putra the- Sumana, Sadbuddhi Medhavi, Sukriti aur Dhursthbuddhi| Isme Dhursthbuddhi, jaisa naam vaisa gun wala , mahapapi, sabse dwesh rakhanewala aur ati dusht swabhavwala tha|
Vah na to vidwano ka samman karata tha aur na hi purvajon ka sanskar aur samman| Vah hamesha sharab, mans, veshya gaman aur bura kaam karanewalon ke sangati mein hi rahata tha| Juan khelana , parayi striyon se bhog vilas karana hi maano uske Jeevan ka uddeshya prateet hota tha| Isake alwa bhi vah kai aur kukarmo aur vyasano mein apane pita ka dhan barbad karata tha|Uski is aneetipurn vyavahar se sab gharwale tang aa chuke the| Ek din uske Pita, bhaiyon aur pariwarwalon ne , tang aakar use ghar se nikal diya|
Ghar se nikaale jaane ke baad kuchh samay tak to vah apane gahane-jewar aur kapade bechakar gujara karata raha| Jab usaka sara dhan samapt ho gaya to use veshyaaon aur dusht mitro ne bhi chhod diya| Ab usake paas khane peene ke liye bhi kuchh nahi bacha| Jeevikoparjan ka koi aur sadhan na aane ke karan usne chori karana prarambh kar diya| Ek baar vah pakada gaya to Rajya karmachariyon ne use Dharmpal ka putra jaankar chhod diya| Lekin jab vah dubara chori karate pakada gaya to use Raja Dyutiman ke samane prastut kar diya gaya| Raja ne use karagar mein daal diya| Use karagar mein bahut dukh sahana pada aur jab vah chhoota to use nagar se nikal diya gaya| Ab vah Jangal mein rahne laga aur Baheliya ban gaya| Ab vah dhanush baan lekar jangali pashu-pakshiyon ka shikar karane laga| Par Shikar karna bhi aasan na tha| Kai-kai din shikar nahi milata to use bhookhe bhi rahana padata|
Ek din vah bhookh aur pyas se vyakul hokar, ghumate-ghumate Kaudinya Rishi ke aashram mein ja pahuncha| Us samay Vaishakh ki garmi ka mahina tha | Kaudinya Rishi Ganga snan karke aa rahe the| Unke Ganga snan se bheege huye vastro ke kuchh chheetein Dhrusthbuddhi ke upar pade. Isase usko thodi chaitanyata aayi Rishi ki tapasya aur pavitra Ganga jal ka sparsh paakar Dhrusthbuddhi kuchh smabhal gaya aur kahane laga- “He Munei! Maine apane Jeevan mein bahut se paap kiye hain| Aap un paapon se chhootane ka koi upay batayein| Upay aisa ho ki jisame adhik parishram aur dhan na lage| Main deen hoon aur aapki sharanagat hoon| Kripakar mera uddhar karein|”
Usake aise in namratapurn vachano ko sunkar Rishi kahane lage-“ Main tumhare bhale ki baat kahata hoon| Dhyan dekar suno| Aane wale Vaishakh ke mahine mein Shukla paksha mein jo Ekadashi padati tum uska vrat karo| Is Ekadashi ka naam Mohini Ekadashi hai| Isase tumhare anant janmo ke paap nasth ho jaayenge|” Muni ki baat sunkar Dhrushtbuddhi bahut prasann hua aur unaki hi bataayi vidhi ke anusar usane Mohini Ekadashi ka vrat kiya|
Guru Vashishth ne kaha- “ He Ram| Is Vrat ke prabhav se Dhrusthbuddhi ke saare paap nasht ho gaye aur vah nishpap hokar Garun par baithkar Bhagawan Vishnu ke lok chala gaya| Is vrat se Moh, mad aadi sab paap nasth ho jaate hain| Sansar mein isase badhkar koi vrat nahi hai| Isake mahatmya ko padhane aur sunane se hi ek hazar Gaudaan ka fal prapt hota hai|”
Years & Dates of this Ekadashi:
Date in 2018 – 26 April 2018, Day- Thursday || Nakshatra- Poorva Falguni || Chandra- Kanya
Links To All 26 Ekadashis of 13 Months (Adhikmas Included)
Month/हिंदी महीना | Ekadashi Name/एकादशी का नाम |
Margashirsha Krishna Paksha/मार्गशीर्ष कृष्ण पक्ष | Utpanna Ekadashi/उत्पन्ना एकादशी |
Margashirsha Shukla Paksha/मार्गशीर्ष शुक्ल पक्ष | Mokshada Ekadashi/मोक्षदा एकादशी |
Paush Krishna Paksha /पौष कृष्ण पक्ष | Safala Ekadashi /सफला एकादशी |
Paush Shukla Paksha/पौष शुक्ल पक्ष | Putrada Ekadashi /पुत्रदा एकादशी |
Magh Krishna Paksha/माघ कृष्ण पक्ष | Shattila Ekadashi /षटतिला एकादशी |
Magh Shukla Paksha/माघ शुक्ल पक्ष | Jaya Ekadashi /जया एकादशी |
Falgun Krishna Paksha/ फाल्गुन कृष्ण पक्ष | Vijaya Ekadashi/विजया एकादशी |
Falgun Shukla Paksha/फाल्गुन शुक्ल पक्ष | Amalaki Ekadashi /आमलकी एकादशी |
Chaitra Krishna Paksha/चैत्र कृष्ण पक्ष | Papmochani Ekadashi /पापमोचनी एकादशी |
Chaitra Shukla Paksha/चैत्र शुक्ल पक्ष | Kamada Ekadashi /कामदा एकादशी |
Vaishakh Krishna Paksha/वैशाख कृष्ण पक्ष | Varuthini Ekadashi/ वरुथिनी एकादशी |
Vaishakh Shukla Paksha/वैशाख शुक्ल पक्ष | Mohini Ekadashi/मोहिनी एकादशी |
Jyesth Krishna Paksha/ज्येष्ठ कृष्ण पक्ष | Apara Ekadashi /अपरा एकादशी |
Jyesth Shukla Pakhsa/ज्येष्ठ शुक्ल पक्ष | Nirjala Ekadashi /निर्जला एकादशी |
Ashadh Krishna Paksha/आषाढ़ कृष्ण पक्ष | Yogini Ekadashi/योगिनी एकादशी |
Ashadh Shukla Paksha/आषाढ़ शुक्ल पक्ष | Devshayani Ekadashi / देवशयनी एकादशी |
Shravan Krishna Paksha/श्रवण कृष्ण पक्ष | Kamika Ekadashi / कामिका-कामदा एकादशी |
Shravan Shukla Paksha/श्रवण शुक्ल पक्ष | Shravana Putrada Ekadashi /श्रावण पुत्रदा एकादशी |
Bhadrapad Krishna Paksha/भाद्रपद कृष्ण पक्ष | Aja Ekadashi /अजा एकादशी |
Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha /भाद्रपद शुक्ल पक्ष | Parivartini-Parsva Ekadashi /परिवर्तिनी-पार्श्व एकादशी |
Ashwin Krishna Paksha/आश्विन कृष्ण पक्ष | Indira Ekadashi/इंदिरा एकादशी |
Ashwin Shukla Paksha/ आश्विन शुक्ल पक्ष | Papankusha Ekadashi /पापांकुशा एकादशी |
Kartik Krishna Paksha /कार्तिक कृष्ण पक्ष | Rama Ekadashi /रमा एकादशी |
Kartik Shukla Paksha/कार्तिक शुक्ल पक्ष | Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi /देव प्रबोधिनी एकादशी |
Adhikmas Krishna Paksha/अधिकमास कृष्ण पक्ष | Parama Ekadashi /परमा एकादशी |
Adhikmas Shukla Paksha/अधिकमास शुक्ल पक्ष | Padmini Ekadashi/पद्मिनी एकादशी |
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