We have included 7th & 8th in the same post here because 8th part was only 1.30 minutes long.
Find the lyrics of all parts of this Bhajan at the bottom of the post .
This bhajan starts with “Mangal bhavan Amangal hari…” doha in first part and describes the entire Ramayana in total 8 parts. This is the seventh part of the bhajan.
Ramayan Events covered in this song :
This seventh part of the bhajan starts from where Sitaji meets Ram after Ravan was killed. She was so happy. She forgot all her miseries and hardship of when she saw Shri Ram. But Shri Ramji told her to give Agni Pariksha( Fire Test where person goes in fire to prove her chastity). Alas. Shri Ramji didn’t need any of this as his love to his devotees is unconditional but to make sure no one speaks against her he ordained this. He told her that he knew that she was pious wife.

Sitaji maa gave Agni Pariksha successfully and Shri Ram embraced her lovingly. Entire monkey army rejoiced and Shri Ramji gave Kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishan.

Thn Shri Ramji called for Pushpak Vimana and went to Dandak forest to meet Rishis and sages with Mata Seeta. Rishis were elated to see Shri Ram and Mata Seeta and praised eulogies to them. From there Shri Ramji and Mata Seeta came to Ganga river banks and met some more sages.

Meanwhile Hanumanji reached Nandigram where Bharatji was residing in ShriRam’s absence. Hanumanji reached early there because Bharatji had told Shri Ramji that if Shri Ramji comes even a day after his exile of 14 years he will commit suicide. When Hanumanji told Bharat that Shri Ram is on his way to Ayodhya and reaching soon, Bharatji’s joy knew no bounds. As Hanumanji was in disguise of a Brahman , Bharatji asked him that where did he come from and gave him such good news.

Finally Shri Ramji reached Awadhpuri (Ayodhya).

Entire city became happy and people celebrated everywhere. Shri Ramji paid his respects to mothers and embraced Bharatji.

Shri Ramji sat on throne of Ayodhya. News spread everywhere that now Shri Ram has become the King.

Upon coronation Shri Ramji gave all land to Brahamans but they all returned it to him saying that they will just chant the name of Shri Ram and they don’t want any worldly things in exchange.

One day Shri Ramji came to know that a washerman was scolding his wife for staying out while referring Mata Sita. Forced by public opinion he had to send Mata Sita to forest again. Alas even God was following society’s unjust whims.

Mata Sita came to forest where she was already pregnant and stayed with Rishi Valmiki who took care of her like her daughter. Lav and Kush were born to Mata Sita and Shri Ramji’s sons.Both were very intelligent, brave, skilled in archery and powerful.

Shri Ramji conducted Ashwamedh yajna and he felt the absence of Mata Sita greatly.

During the course of events at that time Lav Kush were recognized and Shri Ramji accepted them. Mata Sita finally asked mother Earth to give her place as she was tired of staying away from Ram and all miseries that she went through. Sri Ramji repented greatly again and again.

After that he ruled Ayodhya very well .Everyone was happy and chanted Shri Hari’s name . There was no sorrow of any kind in Shri Ram’s rule.Shri Ramji ruled for eleven thousand years and then went to his abode Vaikunth where Mata Sita was already waiting for him.

Here is the seventh part of the Bhajan::
Hindi lyrics are as follows:
सीता ने हरि दर्शन कीना,चिंता शोक सभी तज दीना|
हंसकर बोले राजा राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
पहले अग्नि परीक्षा पाओ, पीछे हमारे निकट आओ |
तुम हो पतिव्रता हे वाम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
करि परीक्षा कंठ लगाई, सब वानर सेना हर्षाई |
राज्य विभीषण दीना राम….
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
फिर पुष्पक विमान माँगाया, सीता सहित बैठे रघुराया|
दंडक वन में उतरे राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
ऋषिवर सुन दर्शन को आए, स्तुति कर वो मन में हरषाए |
तब गंगा तट आए राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
नंदी ग्राम पवनसुत आए, भगत भरत को वचन सुनाए|
लंका से आए हैं राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
कहो विप्र तुम कहाँ से आए , ऐसे मीठे वचन सुनाए|
मुझे मिला दो भैया राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
अवधपुरी रघुनंदन आए, मंदिर-मंदिर मंगल छाये |
माताओं को किया प्रणाम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
भाई भरत को गले लगाया, सिंहासन बैठे रघुराया|
जग ने कहा है राजा राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
सब भूमि विप्रो को दीनी, विप्रो ने वापस दे दीनी|
हम तो भजन करेंगे राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
धोबी ने धोबन धमकाई, रामचंद्र ने यह सुन पाई|
वन में सीता भेजी राम….
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
वाल्मीकि आश्रम में आई, लव व कुश होये दो भाई|
धीर वीर ज्ञानी बलवान…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
अश्वमेध यज्ञ कीना राम, सीता बिन सूने सब काम|
लव कुश वहाँ दियो पहचान…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
सीता राम बिना अकुलाई, भूमि से यह विनय सुनाई|
मुझको अब दीजो विश्राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
सीता भूमि माई समाई, देखके चिंता की रघुराई|
बार बार पछताए राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
राम राज में सब सुख पावें, प्रेम मगन हो हरि गुण गावें|
दुख कलेश का रहा ना नाम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
ग्यारह हज़ार वर्ष पर्यंता , राज कीन्ह श्री लक्ष्मीकांता |
फिर बैकुंठ पधारे राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
Here are the lyrics in English Alphabets:
Sita ne Hari darshan kinha,chinta shok sabhi taj deenha,
Hanskar bole Raja Ram…
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Pahale agni pariksha pao, peechhe hamare nikat aao,
Tum ho pativrata he vaam..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Kari pariksha kantha lagai, sab vanar sena harshai,
Rajya Vibhishan deenha Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Fir Pushpak viman mangaya, Sita sahit baithe Raghuraya,
Dandak van mein utare Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Rishivar sun darshan ko aaye, stuti kar vo man mein harshaye,
Tab Ganga Tat aaye Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Nandigram Pavansut aaye, Bhagat Bharat ko vachan sunaye,
Lanka se aaye hain Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Kaho vipra kahan se aaye, aise meethe vachan sunaye,
Mujhe mila do Bhaiya Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Awadhpuri Raghunandan aaye, mandir mandir mangal chhaye,
Mataon ko kiya pranam…
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Bhai Bharat ko gale lagaya, sinhasan baithe Raghuraya,
Jag ne kaha hai Raja Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sab bhoomi vipron ko deeni, vipron ne vapas kar deeni,
Ham to bhajan karenge Ram…
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Dhobi ne dhoban dhamkai, Ramchandra ne yah sun paai,
Van mein Sita bheji Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Valmiki ashram mein aayin , Lav Kush hoye do bhai,
Dheer veer gyani balwan,…
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Ashwamedh yagya keena Ram, Seeta bin soone sab kaam,
Lav Kush vahan diyo pahachan…
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sita Ram bin akulai, bhoomi se yah vinay sunai,
Mujhako ab deejo vishram…
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sita Bhoomi mai samai, dekhke chinta ki Raghurai,
Bar bar pachhataye Ram…
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Ram Raj mein sab sukh paavein , prem magan ho Hari gun gaavein,
Dukh kalesh ka raha na naam..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Gyarah hazar varsh paryanta, Raj keenh Shri Lakshmikanta,
Fir Baikunth padhare Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Here is the 8th and last part of the bhajan::
Lyrics are as follows for this part::
अवधपुरी वैकुंठ सिधाई, नर नारी सबने गति पाई|
शरणागति प्रतिपालक राम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम
सब भक्तों ने लीला गाइ, मेरी भी विनय सुनो रघुराई|
भूलूँ नहीं तुम्हारा नाम…
राम सिया राम सिया राम जय जय राम-7
Events Covered in this part:
All citizens of Awadhpuri also went to Vaikunth with them as Shri Ramji gave shelter to anyone who approaches to him. All devotees sing the praises Ram. Hey Shri Ram Please listen to my request as well.
“I should not be forgetting your name and should not leave your devotion any time under any circumstances.”
Lyrics in English Alphabets :
Awadhpuri vaikunth sidhayi, nar nari sabne gati paayi,
Sharanagati pratipalak Ram..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sab bhakton ne leela gaayi, Meri bhi vinay suno Raghurai,
Bhooloon nahi tumhara naam..
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram-7
मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी दोहे से से सम्बंधित लेख सारणी:Related Post to Mangal Bhavan
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी-Part1
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी-Part2
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी-Part3
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी-Part4
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी-Part5
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी-Part6
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी-Part7&8
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari Meaning & Lyrics:मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी
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