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Akshay Tritiya- Some Interesting Facts


Today was Akshay Tritiya. It is popular belief that whatever you do on this auspicious day, becomes ‘Akshay’ (For Always- Perpetual). If you buy jewelry or buy anything precious like House, vehicle property , it would always remain with you. People buy jewelry in large number on Akshay Tritiya. It has become the Gold Rush day in India in modern times.

The auspicious effect of this attracts various kind of good activities. While worldly people aim to accumulate wealth and property on this day , Philanthropists , Social activists ( In real sense we are not talikng aboyt a lot of namesake one who engage in rampant corruption and politics these days) and Saints, benevolent people & religious Hindus engage in virtuous acts today. Their Good Karmas become ‘Akshay’ ( Perpetual) too today. In our opinion this is more long term investment than accumulating the Gold today.

We would like to share some interesting facts about Akhsay Tritiya:

  • Satayug and Tretatyug started on Akshay Tritiya day only.
  • Lord Parashurama, 6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu , was born on this day only. He is immortal and is said to be still living on Earth.
  • Holy river Ganges descended for the first time on Earth on Akshay Tritiya only.
  • Mahabharata war ended on this day only.
  • Dwapar Yuga ended on this day of Askay Tritiya.
  • World Famous Badrinath temple of Uttarakhand opens from the day of Akshay tritiya after winters. Badrinath temple remain shut in winter season and Baba Badrinath rests in Joshimath during winters.
  • Akshay Tritiya is one of the three ‘Anboojh Muhurta’ days . This means you can carry out any auspicious activity on this day (Housewarming, Starting any business, buying property etc) , obviating the need to ask a Pandit for a muhurta days.

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