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Foreigner devotees in Kumbh Mela Prayagraj

Why are so many foreigners from the west fascinated by Hinduism?

In last 100–130 years, many foreigners/Christians have embraced Hinduism. Most of them are highly learned people and great thinkers. I have jotted down few points, on what could have attracted them. This is because they didn’t …

Why are so many foreigners from the west fascinated by Hinduism? Read More

पूजा में प्रयुक्त होने वाले पांच अनाज-पञ्च धान्य| Panch Anaj-5 Sacred grains

पञ्च धान्य- पांच अनाज का नाम पञ्च धान्य का प्रयोग पूजा में होता है। पञ्च धान्‍य में पांच पवित्र आनाजों का समावेश होता है।श्री हनुमान पूजा, बजरंग बाण इत्यादि में पञ्च अनाज का उपयोग होता है। …

पूजा में प्रयुक्त होने वाले पांच अनाज-पञ्च धान्य| Panch Anaj-5 Sacred grains Read More